The Winning Isn’t Over – PCH Blog Prizes TODAY!

Last Updated: February 4, 2015

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PCH Blog Prizes 2

By now I’m sure many of you have heard that MR. JAMES WALKER from Newalla, Oklahoma is our new $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize winner! CONGRATULATIONS, JAMES! We couldn’t be happier for you!

But that’s not the only reason we’re happy right now. You see, here at Publishers Clearing House, we love winning SO much, that we decided the winning can’t be over yet. While there’s always prizes to be won every single day at, PCHsearch&Win, PCHlotto and PCHgames — we wanted to do something EXTRA SPECIAL to thank you all for being SUCH good fans. I mean really, you’re the BEST, and we know how much you all wanted to win!

So, today, here are the PCH blog we’ll be randomly awarding not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 amazing $100.00 CASH prizes! That’s right! They are only for blog readers like you, and all you have to do to be entered to win is COMMENT ON THIS BLOG! It couldn’t be any easier – just leave a comment on today’s blog post during the hours of 12 AM, E.T. and 11:59 PM, E.T. and you could wind up $100.00 richer!!!!

PCH Blog Prizes

Wondering what you should say? You can post anything you want! Maybe you’d like to say congratulations to JAMES WALKER! Or maybe you’d like to tell us why YOU want to become the next winner! Or maybe you’d just like to say HELLO! It’s totally up to you! The only thing that matters is that you COMMENT!

So go ahead…what are you waiting for? Comment now and maybe, just maybe, YOU’LL be announced as the next PCH winner!

Fingers crossed for all of you,

Amanda C.
PCH Creative

P.S. We know there are a ton of you out there who read our blog, but haven’t commented yet. This is the PERFECT time for you to leave your first comment! You have nothing to lose…and possibly $100.00 CASH to gain! GOOD LUCK!