Last Updated: December 18, 2014

Karl Jonsson PCH SuperPrize winner

On Tuesday, December 16, Karl Jonsson and his family – like Americans everywhere – were looking forward to Christmas. A small tree was lit up and twinkling in the living room of their rural Wisconsin home an hour west of Green Bay. But this was not going to be a holiday rich with gifts under the tree. Due to a debilitating injury Karl was unemployed; bills had piled up, and there would be no money to spend on presents.

And then there was a knock on the door. Karl answered it and could not believe his eyes. There stood the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol: with roses, balloons, cameras, champagne and a Big Check – for $1 Million! – with the name Karl Jonsson on it!

“Are you serious? Oh my gosh: Are you kidding me?” Karl asked before closing his eyes in disbelief and trying to catch his breath.

My words as a mere blogger cannot do justice to the scene that followed; so be sure to watch the video below to see a truly touching SuperPrize “winning moment.”


Several news media were present to also record the surprise presentation. (And some skeptics think the PCH presentations they see on TV are staged and rehearsed! Imagine!)

Karl has entered the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes for a long time. He said he’d see our “winning moments” on TV and wish he knew “somebody” who won, then added “And now I am that somebody.”

SuperPrize winner

In a phone call the day after his big win, Karl told me he “slept like a baby” – an understandable and welcome reaction to the sudden evaporation of financial worries. His family — including his wife Monica, daughters and parents are ecstatic. And this year there will be Christmas presents under the tree.

So, you see, dreams do come true, and Karl’s prayers were answered.

We will have more Big Checks to award in 2015, and we hope that your new year’s resolutions will include “Enter every day!” But why wait? Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today, and our next big winner could be YOU.

Congratulations Karl, and Happy Holidays and the best of luck to everyone.

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador


P.S. Want to become the next winner surprised by the PCH Prize Patrol? Well today’s the LAST DAY to enter for our $5,000 a Day for 5 Days giveaway! Get your entry in now while you still can!
