Quest for the PCH $1,000 Sweepstakes Grail

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Join the quest for the $1,000 sweepstakes grail!

As a student in college, I spend a lot of my time on the boundless cyber-sprawl of Facebook. Procrastinating, catching up with my friends and favorite bands, looking around for inspiration on what to blog about for PCH, looking at why my brother has posted that he likes mac n’ cheese four times in the past hour… buying time so I don’t have to write that 8-page paper on Arthurian legend that’s due at 9 tomorrow morning… procrastinating—well okay mostly just procrastinating.

But recently I’ve been working on breaking out of that cage of I-can-just-put-it-off-till-tomorrow. It’s caused me so many sleepless nights and disappointments in my Quest of the Holy Degree of Creative Writing. Even most of the knights of the roundtable that quested for the Grail procrastinated, though. They found themselves constantly distracted: random jousts, avenging attacks made on their honor, falling for the Devils’ tricks, saving random maidens from being kidnapped by the roadside. Of course these were the knights that failed their end-all goal of finding the Grail. Guys like Gawain never even came close to seeing it because they couldn’t look to the future, and kept deviating from their path. Plus they were probably awful at winning it big with sweepstakes money; Sir Hector never would’ve made it to the submission deadline.

My degree might not be a magical cup that gives eternal life and the strength of a higher power, but it’s still a big part of my dream of being a writer. So pointless-wandering and I are definitely parting ways; and in a way all of the PCHblog readers are working on this too. After all, you’re constantly submitting your entries to the PCH Sweepstakes—never giving in to hardship or distractions. You’ve got your dreams and future as your top priority, always finding ways to give kind words to each other, but always keeping enough calming words for yourself as well. Until the day when finally you’ve defeated all odds and come out on top.

With the PCH Facebook fanpage kicking off a new $1,000.00 sweepstakes; if you enter to win it, you might be one opportunity closer to catching a glimpse of your personal Grail.
