10 Publishers Clearing House Winners From Texas!

Last Updated: January 26, 2023

Publishers Clearing House has awarded cash prizes to residents of just about every state in the nation – but today we’re going to celebrate those winners who live in the great state of Texas! Are the Prize Patrol’s big checks even bigger the the Lone Star State? Read on to find out!

$1.25 MILLION Winner Charles Greeker

93-year-old Charles was PCH’s ninth million-dollar-plus prize of 2022! Howie headed to Houston, Texas to meet up with a previous winner, Mark, to surprise Charles with a big check. Charles’ reaction is absolutely adorable – “I’m overwhelmed,” he said at first. Wait for the moment when Howie hands him the check – he’s completely speechless. We love making people’s day with prizes! Check out this great story in the Houston Chronicle about Charles’ win!

$10,000 Winner Ola Britton

How cute is Ms. Ola?? This San Antonio resident won $10,000 from Publishers Clearing House, but she wasn’t home when the Prize Patrol showed up. Her husband let them know that she was at church, so they decided to take the big check over to her and surprise her there. Her face when she realized her win is one of our favorite reactions of all time!

$15,000 Winner John Hamlett

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Almost everyone in Denton, Texas knows that the late Bob Castleberry, the city’s mayor for three terms in the 1990’s, won $10 Million in the PCH Sweepstakes in 1989 — which made him very popular. It turns out that our newest winner from Denton, John, knew Bob through golf ⛳️, and their friendship encouraged John to try his luck with PCH. Well, it took a few years, but it just paid off when the Prize Patrol surprised John with roses, balloons, champagne, and a Big Check — for $15,000.00!

$10,000 Winner Pamela Pitts

Pamela cried tears of joy when she won $10,000 in a PCH giveaway. A recent widow, Pam was thrilled to get a little extra cash to help with household expenses (and hopefully a few treats for her dog, Duke)!

Hawaiian Vacation Winner Mary Watley

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Mary’s first reaction was to REJOICE! She’d been entering the PCH Sweepstakes for years and had just entered again this morning. Second, she’d have to consider the prize options with her two grown children. But a minute later she decided: “I’ll take the cash.” When Dave showed her the real check — a normal size paper one — Mary hooted in delight. She bubbled over as she phoned a family member and told him she couldn’t believe that PCH’s Dave was standing right there.

$10,000 Winner Juanita Gray

In a little town just east of San Antonio, Juanita Gray screamed OH MY GOSH when Dave knocked on her door, and had the BEST reaction when she finally opened the door and came to the porch. We love Juanita’s enthusiasm!! She said she plays every day, and her persistence obviously paid off!

$10,000 Winner Scott Parsons

This Amarillo resident won $10,000 back in 2019, saying of his win “it’s pretty amazing…clicking a button and getting ten grand.”

$10,000 Winner Sandra White

This one is a little bit of a throwback – Sandra won her PCH prize ten years ago! Her sweet family was with her at the door when she won. Her daughter told Dave that Sandra kept telling her, “I’m going to win,” and her positive thinking made her dreams a reality.

$10,000 Winner Beverly Bernard

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Beverly is a Red Diamond-level #PCHVIP. She won from the PCHapp (Gwy #12735). Dave caught Beverly just as she was leaving to do some chores and buy a couple of things. The retired great grandmother was shocked and speechless, but said now she’ll have to add a stop to the bank! Beverly’s home has endured at least two hurricanes so she plans to use her winnings to pay bills and fix up her home. She enjoys all PCHgames and enters every chance she gets because ”you never know!”

$15,000 Winner Carolyn Guerrero

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Carolyn G. of Harper, TX who won $15,000 in 2018! PCH Prize Patrol member Howie flew out to Texas today to surprise Carolyn at home. Carolyn has been playing for a long time and was totally shocked when she opened her front door! She and her husband are both retired and they plan to use her winning to pay bills, get new cell phones and take a vacation! Their 37th wedding anniversary just recently passed. Now it’s time to celebrate!