To Win Big Bucks Get In The Running!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

To win big bucks at Publishers Clearing House, you have to get in the running!

There was an article recently in The New York Times about the seemingly countless ways the word “run” is used in every-day language.  For example, run a boat aground; a run in one’s stocking; take the money and run; run it up the flagpole; “also-ran”; run a fever; running on empty; runs in the family – and more.

It made me realize how often the word “run” is used as we PCH Prize Patrol members get ready to surprise people who win big bucks in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  We “run” a sweepstakes to draw attention to our terrific deals on magazines and merchandise; we “run” commercials on TV which urge people to enter the sweepstakes before time “runs” out; we “run” a computer program to see if there is a match to the winning number; we “run” all over the USA awarding big bucks prizes; we “run” up the walk and ring the doorbell; we see tears “run” down the cheeks of the overjoyed winner.  Phew, I’m exhausted just thinking about all that running.

But we never tire of thrilling those lucky people who had the good sense to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  They figure, “Someone’s got to win the big bucks.  Why shouldn’t it be me?”

That’s the spirit!  That’s the positive attitude I see in every big bucks winner that we Prize Patrol’ers visit.

Are you “running” out of money?  Has your old car just about “run out of gas”?  Could your bank account use a “home run”?  Well, you’ve come to the right place! Publishers Clearing House has awarded over $220 MILLION in giant cash prizes, AND there is still a ton of prize money waiting to be delivered.

So “run,” don’t walk, to where you can get in the “running” win big bucks prizes.  And be sure to check out all the other opportunities to “Play & Win” – also at

Your “run” of good luck could begin today!


Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador