Positive Thinking: A Prize Patroler’s Philosophy

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Positive thinking can be a good philosophy for life … here’s why.


If you’ve been following our PCH Blog for some time, you may recall that I play the piano.  In a few weeks I’ll be performing in a cabaret charity benefit.  I’m still putting my program together, but am seriously considering including a medley that reflects the “positive thinking” I try to bring to life in general as well as to all the wanna-be-winners out there.  It starts with that “old chestnut” of a song, “Look for The Silver Lining” and concludes with an advertising jingle that gained familiarity some years ago: “Miracles can happen, can happen for you: Publishers Clearing House, the house where dreams come true.”  When those words are sung there are always laughs and cheers – not only from those in the audience who know that I’m the long-time head of the PCH Prize Patrol but from those who don’t know and would really love to win!

Even if you don’t live near me, I’d like you to pretend that you’ll be at this cabaret – which should be a lot of fun — and take the lyrics to heart:  “Look for the silver lining” and “Miracles can happen.”  Then “think positively” and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes – without delay.

Many people have good intentions of entering our sweepstakes, but they put it off or engage in some “stinkin’ thinkin’” figuring they don’t have a chance of winning.  Well, hundreds of Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes winners may have thought that too but then decided “Hey, I’m gonna go for it!” With some positive thinking, they make the important decision to enter.  And, boy-oh-boy, are they ever glad they did!  A Big Check worth thousands or millions of dollars from PCH can change your life!  Just ask Jason Clark or Leroy Faulks or Karen Anderson or Larry Brown, just a handful of our recent PCH millionaires.  (Did you know that we’ve awarded over $237 million in prizes?)

So, how about you?  Are you ready for some positive thinking?  If so, enter PCH online, and maybe your front door will be the one we knock on to announce “You are a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!”

Wishing you all the best — from “the house where dreams come true.”

Dave Sayer PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador

Dave Sayer

PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador

 P.S. It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day – are you feeling lucky? If you are, grab your shamrock and visit PCHSearch&Win tomorrow. PCHSearch&Win will be offering 10x entries into the St. Patrick’s Day $10,000 Online Exclusive giveaway! Don’t know what to search for? Try delving into  the history of the holiday or look up some delicious corned beef recipes or anything else that interests you! Who knows – maybe one of your searches will lead you to a $10,000.00 fortune at the end of a rainbow this St. Patrick’s Day.