Disappointing Box Office Results? Enter The PCH Sweepstakes!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

I don’t want to mention any names; but certain big-time movie producers have experienced less than awesome box office results this summer with films they thought were going to be summer blockbusters.  So they are retiring to the Hollywood hills to consider what project to tackle next. Well, Mr. Producer, if you’re having trouble making ends meet, have you considered The Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes?

At PCH we’ve been entertaining millions of people since 1967 with a sweepstakes that is always fun to play and, for thousands of players, wonderfully lucrative.  Over the years our award-winning company has presented Big Checks worth over $240 million to winners all over the USA.  And you know what?  Our contests are always FREE to enter – unlike the multiplex cinema where the price of admission keeps going up, up, up.

I’m sure you’ve seen our TV commercials which feature real people at the actual moment of winning.  These are not actors.  Years ago we asked professional actors to pretend they were PCH Sweepstakes winners, and — believe me – their performances were so hammy they’d have embarrassed the Oscars’ nominating committee.  The winners you see in our ads are the real thing – I can promise you that: as head of our Prize Patrol I’ve met most of them in person.

Of course, most of you who read this blog know that what I’ve just written is absolutely true.  But I realize that every now and then even the most dedicated game-player needs a bit more encouragement.  So here it is: Take that positive winning attitude of yours and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every day!

You can easily enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at pch.com  … and at our other websites where you can play and win — like PCHSearch&Win, PCHGames and PCHLotto.  Who knows?  You could wind up with a blockbuster hit that a Hollywood producer would envy!

Good luck – or as they say in show biz, “break a leg!”

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador