A Blessing for July 15th PCH Winner

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Our July 15th PCH winner praised the Almighty for his surprise blessing.

Delbert Walth of Kansas is a positive thinker — not an unusual trait for a Baptist minister.  So every time he got an e-mail from Publishers Clearing House urging him to enter the PCH sweepstakes, he’d say to himself, “Hey somebody’s got to win, why not me?” and he’d enter.   He also figured he had nothing to lose by conducting his frequent online searches via PCH Search & Win.   Not surprisingly by mid-July when it was time for our Contest Department to select the winner of Giveaway #2029, Del had A LOT of sweepstakes entries “in the pot” (so to speak).

On July 15th, PCH Winner Del was mighty thankful that he had that positive attitude — because it paid off when the Prize Patrol knocked on his door and presented him with a Big Check for $10,000.00!  His wife Sherry gratefully accepted the beautiful red roses — and was relieved that they could now replace their broken water heater.  The Walths’ young children were amazed by all the excitement — and couldn’t wait for us to hand over the balloons.

The Prize Patrol’s presentation didn’t go off quite as planned.  On our first visit to the Walths’ front door there was no one home.  Some helpful neighbors told us that Del was an associate pastor and was probably at the church.  So, with a caravan of local media behind us, we sped five miles into the Kansas plains to a lovely church (undergoing an expansion program) where — alas —  the secretary told us Del was at home for lunch with the kids.  “Hmmm, we were just there, and there was no answer” we said.  Without spoiling the surprise a phone call from the church to Del indicated that he had taken the kids to Pizza Hut and Braums (for ice cream) but that they were now back home.  So back to town we returned, and this time the front door was answered.  “I recognize you!” Del exclaimed when he saw us — looking just like we do in mailing photos, online and on TV. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”

The blessing of a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House could be yours also.  In fact, you could win not just thousands but millions of dollars!  How would you like to win a worth SuperPrize$5000 A Week for Life?   You can!  But as we’ve told you before, to win it you’ve got to be in it.  You have to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes to have any chance of winning.  But that’s easy.  Simply click here on this link to pch.com to get started.  Or — like July 15th PCH winner Del Walth — go to PCH Search & Win anytime you want to do an online search.

Wishing you the best of luck.

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador