A Look Back At Some of Dave’s Most Memorable PCH Prize Patrol Deliveries!

Hello, PCH Fans! While travel throughout much of the country is slowing down, we thought we might take a look back at some of our most favorite PCH Prize Patrol winning moments!
We went back into the archives to see what Dave Sayer, one of our PCH Prize Patrol founders, had to say, and we found some very memorable quotes!
Dave On Prize Patrol:
Being on the PCH Prize Patrol is work, everyone thinks it’d be great to have a job like that! Now it’s not terribly hard work, but we have to get up in the middle of the night, race to airports, all sort of things like that!
Dave’s Favorite Kind Of Winning Moments:
My favorite winning moments are the ones where we arrived in the nick of time, to help save someone from a financial disaster. I remember one man, he won $100,000.00 and he had no health insurance. He needed some surgery very badly, so that was a tremendous winning moment, for me as well as for him.
Dave On The Worst Kind of Weather:
Well, we have been in really frigid temperatures many times, although the time we were in Alaska, the freeze had started to thaw, and so when we were on the dog sled, the dogs were kicking up this stuff that should have been snow but was more like slush!
But the coldest one we had was on a “Big Game” Sunday in Sudbury, Ontario and the temperature was 20 degrees below zero. We were doing a live shot to the game viewing audience, and it was so cold that the equipment couldn’t get the signal out!
Dave On Winner Reactions:
A typical winner reaction is, “I don’t believe this. I can’t believe this, it’s happening!
And what they’re saying is, they can’t believe it really happened to them. They’ve always believed that the PCH Prize Patrol was real, and that we really give away prizes, and they just didn’t think this would happen to them. Even though they’ve been entering for years and had to realize that with all of those entries, one of these days a prize might come up with their name on it.
Dave’s Superlative Winners
Most stunned – Thelma Seidenburg (NH) who totally collapsed at the door and gasped for air.
Most skeptical – Olga Pease (TX) who kept shaking her head as she continued doing her laundry.
Loudest wail – Grace Webb (MI) as we presented her with a new car.
Most grateful – Emma Taylor (IN) who could not stop praising the Lord.
Latest award – Marilyn Thorne (WI) who arrived home from work after midnight.
Hardest to find – Bill Perkins who entered the sweeps in IL, then moved to FL.
The longest wait – Pam Barton (TX). We arrived Thursday night, and she was at a weekend conference. We finally awarded her SuperPrize Monday morning.
Most talked about – Martha McMillen’s daughter who jumped out of the shower and greeted us at the door in a towel.
These are all some great winning moments, don’t you think? Dave is full of them, and hopefully we’ll get a lot more, including his upcoming 500th Delivery! Make sure you enter to win this prize event right here on this page!
Matt for Publishers Clearing House