A Lucrative Way to Search the Web

Last Updated: April 17, 2014

One of my three contest prize award stops last week was Minneapolis/St. Paul – where PCH Prize Patrol member Danielle and I were dispatched to surprise yet another lucky Publishers Clearing House winner who entered our sweepstakes at PCH Search & Win.

Not only lucky but SMART. You see, Renae Novak knew that the more you enter The Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, the better your chances of winning a huge cash prize. So when she wanted to search online, she clicked on PCH Search & Win; and when she received an email from us, she responded by entering. “Why not?” she figured. She was on the computer often anyway and conducted web searches frequently. Why not use PCH Search & Win?

Well, it really paid off. Our Prize Patrol arrived at Renae’s address, ran up the walk with bouquets of roses and balloons, knocked on the door and knocked the socks off Renae – with a Big Check for $10,000.00!

Currently living with her daughter Tracy and family, Renae confessed she could really use the money. (Who couldn’t these days?)

Son-in-law Mike watched the excitement and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “I’ve seen it on TV but never thought I’d see it – here!” He phoned Tracy who was at work, and she couldn’t believe it either. “The PCH Prize Patrol is right here!” Mike insisted; but I had to get on the phone to confirm what he was telling her: “Yes Tracy, your mom is a prize drawing winner in The Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!” I could tell that there were tears at the other end of the line.

PCH Winner R Novak

Since you are online right now, why not do what Renae does? Click on over to PCH Search & Win and enter our contests and sweepstakes. It could pay off handsomely – just as it did for Renae.


Happy searching, and the best of luck to you!

Dave Sayer

Executive Director

PCH Prize Patrol