A Marathon Of PCH Prize Deliveries & Winning Moments

Last Updated: April 17, 2014

By now you probably know about our Million Dollar SuperPrize surprise presentation to Rory Bellamy of Cleveland, OH on Friday, November 30.  What a thrill that was for him – and for us.

But the days leading up to to November 30 were almost as thrilling for four other families as the PCH Prize Patrol covered thousands of miles on a marathon of prize deliveries and winning moments.

Monday took us to Mooresville, Indiana to surprise Judith Hernly with $10,000.00.  Alas, no one was home when we arrived.  But just as we were about to leave, her husband Frank drove in and — seeing the roses, balloons and Big Check — happily agreed to summon Judith home.  He reached her via cell phone and told her she just HAD to come home (even if it meant postponing her manicure appointment).  Twenty minutes later as Judith pulled into her driveway we were ready to knock her socks off.  And did we ever!  She was shocked and delighted and promised that the prize money would be put to good use.

On Tuesday morning we were in Athens, Texas to surprise Kathryn Spence with $10,000.00.

Again the winner wasn’t home; so we waited … and waited.   We took a pizza break and, upon our return, found Kathryn had arrived home from bible study and a visit to her hospitalized husband.  She had to restrain her four very excited dogs to accept the Big Check for which she was extremely grateful.  Kathryn says that while she has entered our sweepstakes for years, she was totally “caught off-guard” by our visit.

Tuesday afternoon we arrived in Plano, Texas and – hallelujah! – found our $15,000.00 winner Jeanne Medina at home.  Surrounded by family she was thrilled by the prize, especially since she said her bank account was down to almost nothing.  As we have seen countless times before, the Prize Patrol seems to arrive just in the nick of time to provide urgently needed money for household, health-related or – in this case – small business expenses.

Wednesday took us to Morehead, Kentucky to present a Big Check for $20,000.00 to Lloyd and Maxine Pennington.  When no one answered the door, we turned to a nearby house where we luckily found their daughter-in-law ready to help.  It turned out the two senior citizens were in the rear of their house and did not hear our knocking.  As you can read from the local newspaper’s coverage of the “winning moment,” the prize money was gratefully received.

Thursday was spent in transit to Cleveland to prepare for Friday’s SuperPrize presentation – which turned out to be a rousing finale to a spectacular week.

I hope this recap of our PCH Prize Patrol adventures and winning moments will encourage you to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at pch.com every day.  As we told you earlier this week, we’ve got lots more prizes to award soon, and you never know: the next person we surprise with a Big Check from PCH could be YOU!

All the best,

Dave Sayer

Prize Patrol Ambassador