A Year In Review With 2011 PCH Mega Prize Winner, LeRoy Faulks!

Last Updated: April 17, 2014

Only 24 days until the Publishers Clearing House Mega Prize Event! Wow! Imagine getting a Big Check for $1 Million Plus $5,000.00 A Week For Life ― what would that be like?

I know someone who knows firsthand, last year’s Mega Prize winner, LeRoy Faulks! Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite recently caught up with LeRoy and he had a lot to share during his “year in review”.

Danielle: You’ve been a PCH Millionaire for about a year now. Is it still as exciting as it was on November 30th, 2011?

LeRoy: Definitely yes!

Danielle: How has your life changed in the past year?

LeRoy: Not only were we able to secure our future financially, but we also helped our families (11 brothers and sisters, three children, seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren), our Church and other charities. It is a good feeling to be able to see something you want or need, and buy it with little hesitation.

Danielle: Have you been able to realize any life-long dreams with your winnings?

LeRoy: We didn’t have any lifelong dreams, but now we dream and make it come true!

Danielle: Your “Winning Moment” has been featured in PCH TV commercials. Do people recognize you?

LeRoy: Absolutely! Old friends and some strangers do recognize us, and we take the opportunity to tell them about that wonderful day. Our winning moment was recently shown as a clue on Jeopardy, and that was absolutely fantastic. We got so many calls.

Danielle: What have you learned through this experience, LeRoy?

LeRoy: Beware of scams, sometimes you have to say no, and get professional financial advice.

Danielle: Is there anything you would like to tell PCH blog readers?

LeRoy: YES IT IS REAL, you can be a winner also. Never in our wildest dreams, did we think the PCH van would come to our home!

Danielle: What do you hope your legacy will be?

LeRoy: We would like our legacy to be that we remained faithful to God and true to family and friends.

That’s a legacy anyone would be proud of!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, LeRoy told us that the “Big Check” has found a new home in the Faulks’ living room!

Please join us in wishing 2011 PCH Mega Prize winner LeRoy Faulks and his family continued happiness. And be sure to get your own Mega Prize entries in today and every day through November 19th – because YOU could become the next winner we’ll be looking for on November 30th!

Best of luck!

Elaina R.
PCH Online Creative