Last Updated: October 4, 2013

You’ve already read about the Prize Patrol’s visit to Karen Anderson of Bella Vista, Arkansas. But there’s something else I’d like to tell you: the February 28th delivery of a Million Dollar SuperPrize was WELL-TIMED. Karen lost her job in October, and money was starting to get really tight.

“You have no idea how this is going to help!” Karen cried as she accepted the Big Check, the roses and balloons. (You can see her “winning moment” at With health issues and increased medical expenses facing them, pinching pennies had become the Andersons’ way of life.

Now that Karen has A LOT MORE than pennies in hand, she put two unaccustomed luxuries at the top of her “to do” list: (1) Engage a professional to give her house a top-to-bottom cleaning, and (2) Take her husband out to dinner! (As it turns out, the Andersons didn’t go out to dinner that first night. Karen said she was still too excited to drive; so they ordered-in the best home-delivered pizza they could find!)

On March 1 the Prize Patrol awarded $10,000 to Donna Miner of Orlando, Florida. Again, our delivery was “just in time.” It was a hot day, and Donna’s air conditioning had just gone “on the fritz.” Until we arrived, she was afraid she’d have to suffer through Florida’s hot seasons.

All this reminds me of Barbara Armellino who won $10 Million in the PCH Sweepstakes years ago. The most immediate thrill she got from suddenly becoming rich was her ability to send shirts and linens out for professional laundering. New cars and a new home could wait!

As you can see, many of the simple comforts of life are the first things that PCH Sweepstakes winners want to enjoy. In these continually challenging economic times, we bet there are many of you who would say, “YES! I want to win a Big Check from Publishers Clearing House — because food and gas prices are going up, the costs of raising a family are high, my car is falling apart, EVERYTHING needs a makeover!”

Well, you’ve come to the right place: Publishers Clearing House is “the house where dreams come true.”
If you want to to win, just ask Karen Anderson and Donna Miner – and they will urge you to enter! And that’s easy: just click here on this link to to get started!

Wishing you the best of luck.

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador