Apple Pie Recipe vs. Recipe for Online Sweepstakes Success

Last Updated: October 4, 2013


What’s better than the best apple pie recipe? A recipe for Online Sweepstakes success that could help you become our next sweepstakes winner!

Our Online Sweepstakes recipe could be just as sweet as an apple pie recipe!

This weekend, a bunch of my friends and I did one of my favorite fall activities: apple picking. I just love apples – Cortland, Fuji, Gala, Golden Delicious, McCoun, McIntosh – you name it, I love ’dem apples!

One of my favorite parts of going apple picking is going home to bake yummy fall recipes! This time I wanted to make something extra special, yet classic, and I found the perfect apple pie recipe online. The ingredient list went something like this:

Apple Pie Recipe

3 lbs. tart cooking apples, thinly sliced

2 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. all-purpose flour

¾ cup granulated sugar

¼ cup packed brown sugar

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

¼ tsp. ground nutmeg

¼ tsp. salt

The instructions for this apple pie recipe were real easy too: put it all together, fill a prepared pie crust and bake 40-45 minutes at 425 degrees F until the crust is golden brown. Cool well before eating.  The result: delicious! Apple pies always taste so much better when they are made with fresh apples you get from apple picking. But the best part of this apple pie recipe was that it got me thinking what other yummy fall recipes I should make and share with all my Online Sweepstakes blog friends. And then it hit me – a recipe for Online Sweepstakes success that could help you become our next sweepstakes winner! Here it goes:

Online Sweepstakes Recipe

4 lbs. of fun

A heaping cup of determination

¾ cup of hope

2 tbsp. of desire

1 tsp. of enthusiasm

2 tbsp. of anticipation

¼ cup of luck

Just a few clicks of the mouse to enter the PCH Online Sweepstakes and you’re done! Now that’s what I call a winning recipe! With these ingredients, any of you could become the next winner of our huge $5000.00 A Week For Life Plus $1,000,000.00 Online Sweepstakes this November 30th! But remember, to become a sweepstakes winner, you have to enter!

So if you’d like to become the next winner of our huge Online Sweepstakes, try this winning recipe and enter everyday for your chance to win at I’ll bet, as good as fall recipes taste, even that delicious apple pie recipe above, winning $5000.00 A Week For Life Plus $1,000,000.00 this November 30th would taste even better!


Amanda C.

PCH Creative