Are PCH Winners real? $15,000 Winner Emi says “yes”!

Our commercials are on the air as I type this, and I’m sure many people out there are using their favorite search engine to ask “are PCH winners real?” As the commercials play, you see crazy reactions, you hear the screams and gasps. I don’t blame people for wondering if these hysterics are all for real, but recent winner Emi I. (also a recent winner featured on our latest round of commercials) gives a resounding “YES!”
Before winning $15,000 this January, Emi has been entering for 10 years! An immigrant to the United States, Emi has been in the USA for about 30 years, but only began entering when she moved to her latest apartment.
“Yes, since I moved here. Maybe I got an email and started to click and then started to play the games. I have another friend who plays, but they’ve only been playing a few years.”
When I was speaking with Emi on the phone, you could tell that the experience was still fresh and exciting in her mind. If you talked to her yourself, it’d definitely be the answer to the question “Are PCH winners real?”
Don’t believe me? Watch her winning moment in this recap of our major prize winners from January 2020!
But Emi isn’t the only one wondering if things are real – she actually dreamed about the Prize Patrol before they arrived!
“I had a Dave Sayer dream! So that helped me keep going. I thought that maybe if I got ‘the big one,” then I can give some [money] to my friends.”
When I asked Emi if she had anything she wanted to share with our blog readers, this is what she had to say:
“Keep going! Maybe [you’ll win] one day! My first time I got $10, then $100, then another $10. But my friend…didn’t believe me. But you don’t have to pay to be a big winner. Anyone can play PCH!”
So the next time you find yourself asking are PCH winners real, think about Emi I., our $15,000 friend from Los Angeles, CA! Emi is just as real as you are…so make sure that you’re in it to win it! And you never know…if you win big from the Prize Patrol, you could very well end up in a commercial just like Emi did!
Matt for Publishers Clearing House