August Month In Winning!

Summer is almost over but the winning just keeps on keeping on! Would you like to see the list of people who became PCH prizewinners by playing at PCHPlay&Win in the month of August? Of course you would! Keep reading to see this list!
Wow, doesn’t summer always fly by? They say time flies when you’re having fun! I’m still enjoying the sunshine, wearing sandals, and sitting outside as I eat! I had a great summer, and I hope you did too. Please… tell us how you summer was in the comments below! Did you travel to another town, state, or country? Did you read a great book that you want to recommend? Did you see family and friends at barbeques, at the beach, or on camping/outdoors trips? For me, my summer usually consists of sitting on a beach any chance I get. This summer was fun because I got to travel to all different states and see places all around the country… INCLUDING THE GRAND CANYON! It was beautiful! Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon?
Now, we all know, August has so many great qualities about it… and winning at PCH is just one of them! There were so many PCH prizewinners in August… see for yourself; we have our list of all of the August Play&Win Month In Winning prizewinners RIGHT HERE!
WOW! What a great month August was for these PCH prizewinners! Now that’s a great way to enjoy your summer… by winning! It’s awesome to see that so many PCH fans have found that playing games at PCHPlay&Win has paid off!
This means that you could also win a big prize next month by staying in it to win it! Keep playing at PCHPlay&Win and in September, you could have a prize win, too! Yes, I repeat… YOU COULD BECOME A PCH PRIZE WINNER NEXT MONTH! Just stay in to win at PCHPlay&Win and your name could be on next month’s winners list!
Nicole M.
PCH Creative