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Amanda C.

February 26, 2007: it’s a day I’ll always remember because it was my first day at Publishers Clearing House. I started “fresh out of college” as a Junior Copywriter. Back then I couldn’t imagine that someday I’d become Creative Director, part of a team responsible for creating, from scratch, the exciting Sweepstakes packages that come to your mailbox and the emails that come to your inbox. While I wear many hats at PCH, my personal favorite has always been my role as Editor-in-Chief of the PCHBlog. I LOVE hearing directly from you, the fans, and your comments inspire so much of what I do. Thank you for being the best fans EVER – please, keep those comments coming!
Last Updated: August 22, 2012

They wear navy blue blazers and khaki bottoms. They carry a handful of colorful balloons. They arrive with one dozen of the most gorgeous roses you’ve ever seen — and let’s not forget the Big Check. Yes, I’m talking about the famous Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol. But what I really want to talk about […]

Last Updated: August 17, 2012

At Publishers Clearing House we take consumer protection and the fraudulent use of our good name in PCH scams very seriously. We’re working with authorities to stop these scams and doing everything we can to educate and protect fans like you! Well, it turns out we’re not alone. Just a few days ago, we came […]

Last Updated: August 14, 2012

Hi blog readers! A few weeks ago, summer fun was at a peak at Publishers Clearing House Headquarters in Port Washington, New York as PCHers gathered round to enjoy some burgers, hot dogs and laughs at an all-company barbeque. As I sat enjoying my ‘dog’, I thought to myself: I wish all the blog readers […]

Last Updated: July 20, 2012

Act fast, you could win a cash prize! EXCITING news! Special post cards with a website URL have been sent out in the mail and are due to hit mailboxes this Monday! I wanted to write a blog about this and try to answer ANY questions you may have. Why? Because YOU may be […]

Last Updated: June 29, 2012

People always ask me what’s it like behind-the-scenes at Publishers Clearing House – “that place that gives out all those Big Checks”. My answer, in a word: AWESOME! I mean, we give out Big Checks to winners, how could it not be? But, what most people don’t realize is that PCH is really a family […]

Last Updated: June 21, 2012

Just a few weeks ago — on Friday, June 1st to be exact – I spent my Friday night at the New York Mets game. If you’ve read my blog posts before, you know that I admittedly go to baseball games more for the food and fun, than to watch the actual game. If you’ve […]

Last Updated: June 15, 2012

“Mandy, get down here, I have something for you”. I’ve heard my dad yell these 9 special words to me from the bottom of the stairs hundreds of times. And the something waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs is always the same thing: scratch off tickets…my favorite! My dad’s been buying them […]

Last Updated: May 31, 2012

SuperPrize Event Day is finally here! Who won the $5,000 A Week For Life SuperPrize Event? The Prize Patrol is on the road NOW, and we’ll find out and get the winner announcement to you in just hours! Can’t wait to find out? As promised, for the first time ever, we’ll be giving you clues […]

Last Updated: May 25, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen: Start your engines…The 96th running of the Indianapolis 500 mile race (the Indy 500) is just 2 days away on Sunday, May 27th, and it’s sure to be one wild race to the finish! Now, I’m no speed demon or car buff myself, but even I will tune in for the Indy […]

Last Updated: May 4, 2012

ARE YOU READY TO PARTY? You heard me! Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo (the fifth of May), and I want to know if any of you blog readers have Cinco de Mayo celebrations planned. Don’t hold back! I’m sure some of you are planning on cooking up a storm for this day that celebrates Mexican […]