We strive to come up with fabulous new play and win opportunities for you, our fans, every single month on each of our exciting sites! And wouldn’t you know…today just happens to be the start of a new month, May, which means I’ve got a whole month’s worth of excitement to share. Are you ready? […]
When I heard that Danielle Lam and the Prize Patrol were going on The Price Is Right to award big money, I was overwhelmed with excitement! It’s been my favorite game show since I was a little girl, and I couldn’t believe what a great match-up this was going to be! As soon as she […]
In your SuperPrize winning moment, would you say “oh my” or be speechless?
Call me old-fashioned, but I just love holiday traditions! In fact, it’s the little things my family does year after year that I look forward to most about the holidays! Second to the gifts, of course! Since I was a little girl, we’ve done the same things every year on the special days. For Easter, […]
Our PCH Corporate video shows all the numerous play and win opportunities that are available to you at Publishers Clearing House anytime, anywhere!
Big Dreamers: Never stop wishing on your lucky star to win the SuperPrize!
If you could win anything from PCH, what would be your dream win?
“Check Me Out” says Lucky, the PCH Big Check — “I’ve got a fresh new look!”
Go behind the scenes with PCH’s Big Check guy and see the top-secret process of how Big Checks are made.
He’s the big check guy and the Prize Patrol “member” our SuperPrize winners don’t see — but no winning moment would be the same without him!