Click Here & Enter To Win The $1,000,000 Jackpot Prize on May 31th!

Amanda C.

February 26, 2007: it’s a day I’ll always remember because it was my first day at Publishers Clearing House. I started “fresh out of college” as a Junior Copywriter. Back then I couldn’t imagine that someday I’d become Creative Director, part of a team responsible for creating, from scratch, the exciting Sweepstakes packages that come to your mailbox and the emails that come to your inbox. While I wear many hats at PCH, my personal favorite has always been my role as Editor-in-Chief of the PCHBlog. I LOVE hearing directly from you, the fans, and your comments inspire so much of what I do. Thank you for being the best fans EVER – please, keep those comments coming!
Last Updated: August 28, 2014

Some people find the holidays the “happiest time of the year,” but for us it’s SUPERPRIZE DAYS! And today, my friends, is another BIG SuperPrize day! Yes folks, the August 28th PCH SuperPrize event is finally here, and we can hardly contain our excitement! We LOVE giving away those Big Checks, especially when they are […]

Last Updated: July 14, 2014

Hooray! Today’s the day we get to announce our latest PCH Blog winners! As a reminder, just last week we told all of you that the winning NEVER stops at Publishers Clearing House! And to prove it, we entered everyone who commented on our July 1st blog that day between the hours of 12 AM, […]

Last Updated: June 30, 2014

It’s finally here! Today is the day of our June 30th PCH Special Early Look Prize event and the number one question on everyone’s mind is: WHO will be revealed as the June 30th PCH SuperPrize winner?!?! We already know the prize on that Big Check is going to be One Million Dollars (WOW!) — […]

Last Updated: June 9, 2014

With our deadline for the Dream Life Prize quickly approaching, I know you loyal PCH fans want to do EVERYTHING you can to make sure you’re IN IT to WIN IT! I mean who wouldn’t want to WIN IT ALL – $2,000,000 immediately PLUS $10,000 A Month For Life PLUS A Brand New Lincoln MKZ? […]

Last Updated: May 16, 2014

WOW! The winning just never seems to stop here at Publishers Clearing House — and the PCH Blog is no exception! Do you remember last week we told you that anyone who commented on our “What A Dream! Win “I Dream of Prize Patrol” Prizes” blog could win one of 5 “I Dream Of Prize […]

Last Updated: May 6, 2014

 Official Rules | Sweepstakes Facts HAPPY DREAM WEEK, EVERYONE! On this 2nd day, I’m so happy to bring you a real dream come true — exclusive blog prizes! Yes that’s right, everyone! In honor of Dream Week, we’re giving away 5 prizes here at the PCH Blog today. Yes, 5!!! And they’re not any old […]

Last Updated: April 30, 2014

“Dun…dun…dun!” Can you feel the suspense?! It’s finally the day everyone’s been waiting for ­– the day we’ll find out who our April 30th SuperPrize winner is!” Are YOU our winner??? Only time will tell! But until then, I have some fun clues to keep you busy! They’ll help you figure out where the Prize […]

Last Updated: April 23, 2014

Hey PCH fans! In just a few short days, the Prize Patrol will be hitting the road for our big Set For Life prize event. That’s right, next Wednesday, April 30th, Dave Sayer, Todd Sloane and Danielle Lam could be delivering our LARGEST WEEKLY LIFETIME PRIZE — $7,000 A Week For Life! With that said, […]

Last Updated: April 8, 2014

Hey PCH Fans! Imagine waking up one morning and hearing a knock on your door. Thinking nothing of it, you go to answer the door and who do you see? The Prize Patrol Elite Team!!! What are they doing there? Awarding YOU a Big Check that could make you SET FOR LIFE! Sounds like a […]

Last Updated: April 7, 2014

Are you a Publishers Clearing House fan? Think you know EVERYTHING there is to know about the Prize Patrol? Well today we have a very special post for you all – we want to test your knowledge of our famous prize award team with our Prize Patrol Fan Test! Are you ready…here we go! Think […]