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I am a Copywriter in the PCH Creative Department, where I help to write PCH’s Bulletins — promoting PCH’s terrific products as well as the world-famous PCH Sweepstakes. I first worked at PCH in the 1990s, and then came back here in 2013 because I loved it so much. Here on the PCHblog, I write the #Winner Wednesday posts, as well as other blog posts where I have the pleasure of contacting our smaller prize winners. I also read through the blog comments every week to see what’s up with our fans, who always give me inspiration and new ideas for my blog posts!
Last Updated: November 18, 2020

What is this a picture of? Read on, friends and fans … It’s time for another exciting #WinnerWednesday blog post! I really hope you enjoy reading about the “winning moments” of our smaller PCH prize winners. Believe me, these folks are in it to win it – and whether they win $10, $20, $100 or […]

Last Updated: November 12, 2020

Did you receive a Notice from us in your mail? Let me show you how to use it to add a valid entry to our Winner Selection List for Gwy. #15000! Our Winner Selection List is the official Publishers Clearing House record of all entries that are eligible to win. All timely entries are on […]

Last Updated: November 4, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends! Do you want to win a PCH prize? Do I have to even ask this question? If you’re a PCH fan, your mind is set on being a PCH winner! Now, I must admit, becoming a PCH winner may not be easy. It takes persistence. It takes patience. It takes a […]

Last Updated: October 27, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends, Every month is a “winning month” at PCH and October has been no exception! At the top of the month we told you about new sweepstakes to enter for October and now that the tenth month of the year is almost over, we can report that as usual, we’ve had lots […]

Last Updated: October 21, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends! Are you inspired by our #WinnerWednesday blogs? I know I’m inspired when I read all the comments from our fans who have won PCH prizes as well as those folks who are entering every day hoping to become PCH winners. It takes persistence, positivity and patience to stay in it to […]

Last Updated: October 13, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends, A few weeks ago here on our #WinnerWednesday blog, I introduced you to Car-Mile W., a winner of several small Publishers Clearing House prizes and a self-described “PCH Professional Entrant,” who’s been entering our Sweeps for 24 years. In fact, Car-Mile sent me photos of the “Vision Board” (shown above) she’s […]

Last Updated: October 7, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends! As I ask our Blog readers to comment whether they’ve won a PCH prize, more and more PCH winners keep coming forward! There are so many of you #WinnerWednesday Blog readers who have won cash and gift cards from Publishers Clearing House! And no wonder! PCH is bursting with giveaways and […]

Last Updated: September 29, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends, A state of shock … a state of elation … a state of disbelief. PCH prize winners have been known to react in many different ways. Their “winning moments” are all unique and all real. So, I couldn’t wait to introduce you to three lucky individuals who are in a “winning […]

Last Updated: September 23, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends! Do you know what my favorite part of these #WinnerWednesday blogs are? Reading the emails from the PCH fans who have won smaller prizes. When I contact them for permission to appear on the PCH blog, they don’t just consent … they’re so happy to win they write paragraphs upon paragraphs […]

Last Updated: September 14, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends, Do you have a nickname? I’ve had a few over the years, like “Frog,” “Cricket,” “Little Debbie Snack Cakes” and “Debbie Cup-O-Soup,” and I’ve given nicknames to my two daughters; one is “Honey” and the other is “The Baby” (even though “The Baby” is now 22). So, when I heard that […]