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I am a Copywriter in the PCH Creative Department, where I help to write PCH’s Bulletins — promoting PCH’s terrific products as well as the world-famous PCH Sweepstakes. I first worked at PCH in the 1990s, and then came back here in 2013 because I loved it so much. Here on the PCHblog, I write the #Winner Wednesday posts, as well as other blog posts where I have the pleasure of contacting our smaller prize winners. I also read through the blog comments every week to see what’s up with our fans, who always give me inspiration and new ideas for my blog posts!
Last Updated: March 21, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! Here’s what makes me happy: Seeing the excited faces of PCH winners – not just PCH SuperPrize winners, but also our lucky, happy winners of smaller prizes. Here’s what makes me unhappy: Knowing that there are some unscrupulous individuals out there who want to scam honest, hardworking people like you into […]

Last Updated: March 15, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday! At Publishers Clearing House, the winning never stops! As sure as the sun rises and sets, there are folks who win PCH prizes every single day! PCH winners come from all over the country – they’re from big cities and small towns, they’re young and not-so-young, and they […]

Last Updated: March 9, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! Do you have to pay to claim a PCH prize? If you’ve won a Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, is there a fee in order to receive your winnings? The answer is absolutely NOT. Not only are PCH sweepstakes and giveaways always FREE to enter, you never have to pay a penny […]

Last Updated: March 1, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! Are you in it to win it? Of course you are! And every time I post my #WinnerWednesday blogs, I hear from more and more of you who have won smaller PCH prizes. You’ve told me how happy you are to win $10 or $25 or maybe a gift card to your […]

Last Updated: February 24, 2017

Here’s what might be the highlight of my job – getting the opportunity to give fans and friends like you clues about where the PCH Prize Patrol is going, as they award $5,000 A Week “Forever” real soon … and then announcing on this blog just who the winner is! Frankly, I couldn’t be more […]

Last Updated: February 22, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! Goodbyes are hard! But as they say, every ending is a new beginning. You see, this Friday, Giveaway #6900 is coming to an end, as we will definitely award a very lucky somebody $5,000 A Week “Forever” — $5,000 a week for their life, and after that, $5,000 a week for […]

Last Updated: February 15, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! Do you enjoy reading our #WinnerWednesday blog posts as much as I enjoy writing them? There’s nothing like stories and photos of happy folks winning PCH prizes to make you happy! If you’re ever feeling down, all you’ve got to do is take a look at our winners’ joyful faces – no […]

Last Updated: February 8, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! As I go through your comments on the PCHblog each week, checking out what fans and friends like you have to say about our posts, I often come across comments like these: “Someone sent me a friend request on Facebook saying she was Danielle from the PCH Prize Patrol. Is this real […]

Last Updated: February 1, 2017

Greetings, fans and friends! Last week, in my #WinnerWednesday blog post, we congratulated 4 lucky men who won smaller PCH prizes! Well, since all PCH prize giveaways are “equal opportunity” events, this time let’s hear it for the lucky ladies! That’s right, fans and friends, today’s smaller PCH prize winners spotlighted below are all fortunate […]