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PCH Staff

I joined PCH in 2008 as an Online Marketing Coordinator. When I started at PCH, I was working on PCHgames, PCHlotto and some of our other online properties. Today I manage the social media efforts here at Publishers Clearing House which include our Facebook fan page, twitter feed, youtube channel, and the PCHblog. What I find most exciting about my job is that I get to talk to real PCH fans each and every day via these social tools. In the process, I learn a ton about what makes our customers happy while collecting feedback on how we can do our jobs better. So far that feedback has been used to create new sweepstakes campaigns, improve our microsites and think about new ways to engage with our fans. On a personal note, I love to ride my bike, go camping and visit my extended family in Argentina whenever possible. Some of my favorite TV shows are Lost, V, 24 and Man vs. Wild. My ultimate dream would be to one day own a vegetable and chicken farm.
Last Updated: September 27, 2016

We love to see the look of surprise on the faces of our major prize winners!  We award our winners just like you’ve seen on TV.  However, we never notify major prize winners via social media! Some things are so important that they bear repeating – Publishers Clearing House will never contact a major prize […]

Last Updated: September 26, 2016

Do I Need To Enter Each Time I Hear From PCH? Greetings to all of you loyal entrants! I’m sure most of you enter to win the PCH Sweepstakes as often as you can and are In It To Win It!  But we have heard some questions and concerns from you in the past about […]

Last Updated: September 23, 2016

We know that the thought of winning a Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize can really “rev” your engines, and why wouldn’t it? Landing that amount of money would truly be life changing for the better! But as a faithful entrant, you’re sure to know that there are lots of other fantastic prizes that PCH gives away. In […]

Last Updated: September 21, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends! One of my favorite things to do here at PCH is write my #WinnerWednesday blogs about real people who win PCH prizes – from small prizes and gift cards … to $1,000 or even $5,000! (You can read more about these lucky folks, and even congratulate them, every Wednesday on the […]

Last Updated: September 19, 2016

I confess. I didn’t come up with this awesome quote. Someone else gets all of the credit. It goes to an actual PCH winner named Cindy S. from Huntington Woods, MI. Way to go Cindy – I couldn’t think of a better quote to kick off Motivational Monday! “Believe in you”.  I’m sure we’ve all heard […]

Last Updated: September 16, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends, With back to school on many people’s minds these days, both students and parents focus on success. (My daughter started college on August 25th, so I hope you’ll join me in wishing her great success!) And speaking of success – a lot of folks traded up with great success last month […]

Last Updated: September 15, 2016

One of the great things about the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes is that it is absolutely FREE! Unlike the state and national lotteries, entering doesn’t cost a thing. Then is it any wonder that many of our PCH Winners enter as often as they can? If you’re able to enter daily, you absolutely should, but […]

Last Updated: September 14, 2016

There’s an old saying that imparts this wisdom – choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. I’m not sure that’s entirely true, but I do know that having a workplace where people not only share ideas, but also care about and have compassion for each […]

Last Updated: September 13, 2016

You may have wondered how we can afford to give away millions of dollars in prizes year after year, for a total of $285 Million to date. That sure is a lot of free money! Well, you’ve come to the right place for the answer! There’s nothing we enjoy more than making folks like you Sweepstakes […]

Last Updated: September 12, 2016

Really, what would YOU do with $7,000 checks paid every single week of your life?  As a PCH employee, I cannot enter to win the October 21st Special Early Look “Set For Life” Prize Event, so I’m really curious about what my blog friends like you would do with this lifetime fortune! Would you head […]