Hey Blog Readers, If you’re a Dan-yeller, in the Todd Squad or a devoted Daveinator I’ve got some great news! Your favorite Prize Patrollers are joining forces and combining their Fan Pages on Facebook, so now you can connect with them all in one place — on the PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page! Isn’t […]
Picture this, PCH Fans: You are home and you hear a knock at the door. You answer it and discover the PCH Prize Patrol at your doorstep with a giant bouquet of red roses, a sea of multi-colored balloons, a bottle of champagne and a “BIG CHECK” with your name on it! Once the […]
If you’re wondering “Is It Really PCH or Is It A Scam,” please follow these 3 important tips to stay safe! Greetings, fans and friends, We love our fans! And we want you all to have the best, most fun experience possible entering the free and fabulous PCH Sweeps! And that’s why, when we hear […]
Introduced in September as a “mobile must-have,” the new PCH App is making it even easier for fans to take advantage of everything they love about the PCH website – plus a few bonuses exclusive to PCH App users! The PCH App is a bit like a clearinghouse for all of the fantastic PCH apps – […]
The answer is YES, Publishers Clearing House definitely gives away the BIG Prize! And $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize Winner Tamar Howard Is Living Proof! Publishers Clearing House gives away prizes every single day of the year. And you blog readers know that we proudly talk about those prize awards every chance we get! But, […]
Good friends like you know that Publishers Clearing House awards ALL prizes as advertised, to REAL winners all across the country! Our Prize Patrol is on the road the year round, traveling the length and breadth of the U.S.A. – and Canada too, of course! – delivering prizes to wonderful people from all […]
Darkness falls across the town The wind scatters the leaves of brown The clouds embrace the autumn chill A vulture calls, its voice is shrill Far beyond, a wolf cries out Or could the zombies be about? The ghosts and ghouls and goblins gather The witches watch, as werewolves slather Bright red blood on bread […]
Hey there, blog readers! We’ve been listening to all the comments coming in on the blog, and we’ve noticed that some of you have been wondering: “How do I get PCH emails?” What a great question! As you know, there are so many different ways to win here at Publishers Clearing House, but the easiest […]
Yes, you can enter every day at Publishers Clearing House – and play our fun and exciting online games to win fabulous prizes – all without spending a penny! And I’m sure you folks know that it’s hard to find a place where you can get a chance to win FOR FREE nowadays. Let’s […]
Have you shared to show you care today? Remember, every share helps PCH make its charitable donation even bigger! Publishers Clearing House not only gives away millions of dollars every year, but as you know, we also love giving back to charity. And that’s why we’re so happy that the Giveback is back for its […]