“Jeopardy!” has been an extremely popular syndicated TV show for over thirty years. It would not surprise me if most of you blog readers are familiar with the show and know how to play the game at home. So let’s pretend we’re playing “Jeopardy!” and the em-cee announces “Today’s clue is … John Wyllie, Michael […]
Hello, my blog-reading friends! As you know, we’re authorized to award an incredible SET FOR LIFE prize on October 23rd – $7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE! So tell us … when you fantasize about winning this prize … what do you fantasize about doing with your prize winnings? Would any of these wonderful things be […]
Greetings, fans and friends, Here at PCH, we detest scammers as much as you do. We think it’s awful when unscrupulous individuals impersonate the “real” Publishers Clearing House and contact fans and friends like you, often asking their victims to send some sort of payment to claim a fake PCH “prize” (something, by the way, […]
Greetings, fans and friends, “Do real people win PCH prizes?” “Those people I see on the PCH TV commercials are actors!” “No one really wins from Publishers Clearing House!” If I had a dime for every time I heard a comment like one of those, I’d probably be as rich as one of our SuperPrize […]
Have you ever taken the time to look up at a perfectly blue sky to watch the clouds floating by? Doesn’t it make you feel incredibly free? You can let your imagination roam wild and feel as though you don’t have a care in the world and nothing to weigh you down. Ready? Now picture […]
Today, Saturday, Sept. 12, America celebrates one its youngest, but most fun, holidays – National Video Games Day! In just a few decades, video games have gone from a small fascination to become part and parcel of the American experience, with tens of millions of loyal fans. Here at Publishers Clearing House, we understand exactly […]
Sharpen your virtual pencils, guys! Just for fun, we’re going to test your “Prize Patrol Trivia” with a little quiz. Answer the following questions … then check your answers at the bottom of this blog. Okay, time’s up! Did you answer all four Prize Patrol Trivia questions? Good! Now check your answers below … Did […]
PCH fans, today was my lucky day! Why, you ask? Because today I had the chance to go behind the scenes with the one and only, Danielle Lam, of the PCH Prize Patrol! I had such an unbelievable experience working with the Social Media team this summer, but today was particularly exciting, because I got […]
Hey Fans, We’ve been heating up with winnings at Publishers Clearing House all summer long, and are super excited to welcome another 40 people to our ever-growing list of winners at the PCH Rewards Token Exchange. How did these lucky folks win? Simple! They cashed in their hard-earned tokens for chances to win! And boy […]