Click Here & Enter To Win The $1,000,000 Jackpot Prize on May 31st!

PCH Staff

I joined PCH in 2008 as an Online Marketing Coordinator. When I started at PCH, I was working on PCHgames, PCHlotto and some of our other online properties. Today I manage the social media efforts here at Publishers Clearing House which include our Facebook fan page, twitter feed, youtube channel, and the PCHblog. What I find most exciting about my job is that I get to talk to real PCH fans each and every day via these social tools. In the process, I learn a ton about what makes our customers happy while collecting feedback on how we can do our jobs better. So far that feedback has been used to create new sweepstakes campaigns, improve our microsites and think about new ways to engage with our fans. On a personal note, I love to ride my bike, go camping and visit my extended family in Argentina whenever possible. Some of my favorite TV shows are Lost, V, 24 and Man vs. Wild. My ultimate dream would be to one day own a vegetable and chicken farm.
Last Updated: July 21, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends, Here on the blog, we often write about scammers who take advantage of unsuspecting folks by claiming they’re from Publishers Clearing House. Unfortunately, there are many impostors out there who contact our fans and make them believe they are from PCH – when they are absolutely not from PCH in any […]

Last Updated: July 16, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends, When I read your blog comments – and I really do! – it makes me so happy to hear folks posting about their PCH wins. And I don’t mean a $1 Million SuperPrize like Boris Clinton won, or even $5,000 A Week “Forever” like Tamar Howard … I’m talking about the smaller prizes […]

Last Updated: July 15, 2015

Greetings To All Of You Blog Readers! You may have recently received a package in the mail that says “Notice of Official Inspection For Winning Number” on the front with a yellow Pass/Fail strip on the back. If so, then I have some important news for you! (Even if you have NOT received this package, […]

Last Updated: July 14, 2015

An important PCH “Winning Number Notification Plan” Bulletin is scheduled to arrive in mailboxes across the country tomorrow — will you be one of the recipients? If you receive one of these Bulletins and are wondering: “what’s a Winning Number Notification Plan?” let me explain. It’s the plan that will take place following the drawing […]

Last Updated: July 10, 2015

A Bulletin might arrive in your mail as early as TODAY … and it could score you one of the 50 FAST CASH prizes we guarantee to award immediately. Here’s what it will look like – with YOUR NAME on it! Open it up … and DO THIS: (You can ALSO get to the web […]

Last Updated: July 9, 2015

Hi blog readers! I’m sure you are all familiar with Throwback Thursdays on social media. Well, today it’s Throwback Thursday at PCH, the perfect time to look back at some winning moments! We spotlight these winners because each one of them had friends and family who didn’t believe they could ever win! “No one ever […]

Last Updated: July 8, 2015

1 “Forever” … 2 “Forever” … 3 “Forever” … 4 … Could a 4th “Forever” Prize be awarded at your front door?< Greetings, fans and friends, Have you heard the good news? PCH is rolling out a brand-new “Forever” Prize event — $5,000 a week for the rest of a winner’s life, and after that, […]

Last Updated: July 7, 2015

Hey blog readers, As a new intern, I’m so excited that I was here to see Publishers Clearing House award its most recent Millionaire-Making SuperPrize — a One Million Dollar Prize to Boris Clinton of California! And now, it’s just as exciting to see that we’re getting ready for our next Special Early Look prize event […]

Last Updated: July 6, 2015

Publishers Clearing House is so excited to announce that our amazing $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize is back! Yes, it’s true! Do you all know what that means? It means if YOU were the “Forever” winner in our Special Early Look prize event on August 31st, you would receive $5,000 A Week for your life, […]

Last Updated: July 4, 2015

What does America mean to you? Is it the place where you’re free to do what you do? Is it where you can climb up the corporate ladder When your personal circumstances don’t even matter? Is it where anyone can become the president, Or anything else for which you are meant? Is it the land […]