Just a heads up to all of you blog readers out there! Be on the lookout for a special notice in your mailbox pictured above. It could mean a chance to win some fast cash if you find one! Be sure to open it up! Inside you’ll find a Gold Prize Ticket that looks like […]
Earlier today we announced our newest $1 Million winner! I hope you all got in on the excitement of PCH Prize Day when we posted “Clues From The Road” in this morning’s blog. And, of course, there were plenty of posts on our facebook page from the Prize Patrol to keep you all up to […]
If you visit here daily to read the PCH Blog, you already know how informative, fun and entertaining it can be. If you’re here for the first time — by all means read on! You’ll find out why our loyal fans keep growing in number, and why they keep coming back daily for more! I’ve […]
Are you looking for a way to escape from the daily grind … someplace far away, where you can relax and unwind and forget your troubles? If funds are low for that kind of getaway, you may have decided that the only way out is to WIN your way out. You’re in luck because we […]
One of our favorite things to do here at PCH is to change lives for the better. And we’ve certainly done that by awarding some pretty big prizes to folks around the country! In fact we’re ready to do it again with our “Turn Back Time” Special Early Look Prize Event . Just imagine what […]
Are people telling you not to enter the PCH Sweepstakes? Are they giving you advice that you didn’t ask for? Well, it’s time to put all of those naysayers on notice! Take it from Sugar Ray Robinson, ranked as the greatest boxer of all time by sportswriters, fellow boxers and trainers alike. Six times a […]
How would you help others if you had the ways and means to reach out in ways you never thought possible? Our latest PCH SuperPrize could be just the ticket you need to take care of your own needs AND to help others who could really use some cash. It’s called the “Turn Back Time” […]
Do you love to find things for FREE any chance you get? Maybe you love searching for coupons to use at the grocery store and you’ve become one of those champion super savers at the checkout counter. Or maybe you scour the aisles in the department store in search of those exciting Buy 1 Get […]
Earlier today we announced our newest $1 Million winner and, boy, did it ever create lots of buzz and excitement on the blog and on our facebook page. Let’s give a big round of applause to Fran Chargar of Suffern, NY whose persistence really paid off! I know some of you must be thinking, “Why […]
When it comes to deadlines, are you a procrastinator? Or are you more of an early bird? Even when you have loads of time to get something done, do you always wait until the last minute? Or do you like to get things done right away and “off your plate” so you don’t have to […]