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I’ve been a PCHer for nearly ten years, working in both the Contest and Creative departments. I love learning about Publishers Clearing House history and creating content for both our sweepstakes and merchandise. I’m known for my interviews with recent winners, “Throwback Thursday” articles and movie recommendations for PCHSearch&Win.
Last Updated: March 30, 2017

Have you ever heard that old adage … “that the more things change the more they stay the same”? I think you’ll agree that might apply with this video recapping 50 years of sweepstakes from Publishers Clearing House and the Prize Patrol! [youtube] I love the opening shot of Carol Copeland  in her classroom! […]

Last Updated: March 24, 2017

On February 26th, history was made! That’s the day that we found our latest Publishers Clearing House winner and awarded our FIFTH $5,000.00 A Week for Life “Forever” Prize! That’s $5,000.00 A Week for Life to the winner, and then after that, $5,000.00 A Week for Life to a beneficiary! Our lucky recipient was 93-year-old […]

Last Updated: March 17, 2017

Horseshoes, rabbit feet, four-leaf clovers, oh my! There are so many charms we think of when we chat about LUCK! It’s St. Patrick’s Day, where we celebrate many things, including the luck of the Irish! As a person of Irish background, I think I’m lucky to be able to write this blog today and ask […]

Last Updated: March 2, 2017

There are very few things in life that are FREE, right? There’s the air, warmth from the sun, advice from your friends…and entries into the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes! As an avid blog reader yourself, obviously you know that entering Publishers Clearing House is 100% free. We still like to remind people of our free […]

Last Updated: February 20, 2017

When you’re over 60 years old, there are certain milestones you use to mark the passage of time. And since Publishers Clearing House celebrated its 60th Anniversary a few years ago, there’s a lot of history that we’ve covered! For example, there have been twelve different Presidents of the United States in that time! We’ve […]

Last Updated: February 16, 2017

Hey, Publishers Clearing House fans! I’ve been an employee at Publishers Clearing House for many years now, and working here has taught me something very important: real people REALLY win! Yes, people DO win contests! I know this because I get to interview our big SuperPrize winners,  but also because many of you have told […]

Last Updated: February 8, 2017

Do you ever find yourself asking, “Are there ever winners from my state?” Or do you enter a Publishers Clearing House contest and then wonder, “When is it going to be MY time to win?” The truth is, all of our winners are randomly selected, so there’s no pattern to make a prediction from! BUT, […]

Last Updated: February 1, 2017

Everyone thinks that Publishers Clearing House just gives away money. But did you know we also give away time? Recent winner Annette Jenkins knows what we mean! She’s someone who worked 3-4 jobs her whole life, so her win of the $1 Million SuperPrize means she can have a whole lot of time back for herself! […]

Last Updated: June 13, 2016

Imagine for a moment that you’re in a tough financial situation and you don’t know where help is going to come from. You’re hoping that some money is right around the corner — praying for that “money miracle,” but will it really come? Those hopes and dreams came to pass for one lucky winner named […]

Last Updated: October 14, 2013

Hi everyone!  This is Matt K. from PCH Creative.  We’ve all seen the winning moments of our fantastic SuperPrize winners on TV or maybe even on YouTube.  But what happens when the Prize Patrol leaves and the winner is left Forever Changed by PCH with this incredible windfall of serious money?  Over the next several […]