Since 1988, the Prize Patrol has awarded more than 2,000 prizes. They’ve all been great, but there are certain reactions that just stick out in our memory. Crying, laughing, smiling, screaming – all wonderful things we’ve seen as the Prize Patrol has awarded prizes to winners in every state. As we start a new year […]
Hey, Blog Readers, It’s me, your pal Lucky, the PCH Big Check, and I was so excited to hear that we’re awarding ANOTHER “Forever” prize that I had to stop everything and write to you Blog Fans because that news is really, really big! I’m talking border curling BIG… decimal bursting BIG… so BIG that […]
It’s The Third Day Of The New Year! Here’s What To Search For! By now, most celebrations are over, most of us are back at home and we are ready to get back to our daily grind! However, as tradition goes, during this time of year we hope to make a lot of changes — […]
Hey Blog Readers, It’s me, your pal, Lucky the PCH Big Check and, as you can see, I’m super busy this holiday season, wrapping and taping and boxing and bustling… all, of course, while shining my seal and getting ready to go out on the road to deliver one of the BEST GIFTS EVER … […]
The countdown is on Friends and Fans! Today is the absolute LAST DAY to enter to win an EXTRAORDINARY LIFETIME PRIZE! That’s right, our December 30th prize event is coming to a close and you could be the one to take home an amazing $2,500.00 A Week For Life! Even if you’ve entered already, there’s […]
“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky said that about hockey, but it also works for when you’re trying to win the SuperPrize. In other words, if you want to be a PCH Millionaire, you need to enter first. After all, if you don’t enter, how can you win? And […]
Hello Friends and Fans! With the $2,500.00 A Week For Life SuperPrize Award just a few weeks away, I have been watching previous PCH winner reactions—it’s my favorite pastime! You can never tell what the reaction of a winner will be when the Prize Patrol comes along with their big smiles and an even bigger […]
“The PCH man is here! The Prize Patrol is here!” blasted through the intercom at the grocery store just outside Jackson, Mississippi. Employee Lawanda recognized the Prize Patrol immediately and gave me a giant hug and then ran off to tell all of the other employees. I was here to pick up flowers and balloons […]
There’s only one week left to enter to win $2,500.00 A Week For Life! We’re definitely going to award this incredible lifetime PCH SuperPrize on December 30, so there’s no time to waste! We’re super excited to see who wins and we hope you are, too! Don’t forget to get in your final entries this […]
The holiday season is in full swing! We’ve been working hard, shopping, wrapping presents and making plans. It’s that time of year again, and it’s filled with plenty of parties and dinners. Have you thought of a great dinner menu yet, or maybe you need to start thinking about what you’re bringing to the next […]