Just about everyone is on some sort of social media – and that includes PCH. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And while our social media pages are lots of fun and a great way to communicate with our fans, we still must be mindful of scammers. So, I’m here to remind you: To avoid PCH scams, look for the Blue Check Mark!
It’s unfortunate but true – there are scammers out there that pretend to be PCH who troll for your personal information. But your safety and protection are our top priority! And looking for the blue verified check mark is the easiest and best way to know the page you’re interacting with is the REAL PCH! Here are a few things to remember, which should help you make better informed decisions and ultimately avoid falling for PCH-related scams.
To Prevent Being Scammed Online, Remember…
• At PCH, it’s always FREE to enter
• You Never Have To Pay to receive a PCH Prize – the winning is always FREE
• PCH will NEVER send you a private message, text or friend request on social media
• The PCH Prize Patrol NEVER contacts winners by phone, email or social media.
• We NEVER notify winners in advance!
• DO NOT post personal information on Social Media
• All PCH’s Social Media pages have a verified Blue Check Mark
• We LOVE awarding prizes to our winners in person
• If you win the SuperPrize, the PCH Prize Patrol will show up in person
Scammers often attack PCH fans using our PCH Fan Page on Facebook. Please look at this informative SCAM Safety video from PCH Prize Patrol’s Todd, Dave and Danielle. They will tell you more on what to look out for.
Important SCAM Safety Information…
Here’s an important video you should watch that can help you avoid being the victim of a PCH-related scam.
Online safely is a concern for everyone and every company – and even more so with the emergence of social media. That’s why to stay safe, it’s so important that you know the facts. We want you to WIN BIG MONEY – not become a victim of a PCH-related scam! We can’t stress it enough: To avoid PCH scams, look for the Blue Check Mark! It’s the easiest and best way to know the page you’re interacting with is the REAL PCH! Now that you’re armed with PCH safety knowledge, go enter as many PCH Sweepstakes as you can!
Tina P.
Online Creative
P.S. We’re always here for you to answer any questions you may have about how PCH winners are notified or how to report a PCH-related scam.