Behind The Scenes with Inside PCH!

It’s our first Inside PCH episode of the New Year, and we have so much planned! We thought we’d give you a sneak peek at today’s episode and also share with you some hot Publishers Clearing House behind the scenes info on the program!
If you haven’t heard of Inside PCH, it’s our weekly PCH talk show that streams LIVE every Monday from our Facebook fan page at 2pm EST! Your hosts are Danielle and Howie, and every episode they give you the latest Publishers Clearing House news, the most amazing real winner videos, and chances to win real prizes…right as you’re watching!
On our first day back to the office last week, I went down to the video studio to see how things were shaping up. Here you can see Derek, one of our intrepid crew members, hard at work!
I asked him if I could look around the set, and they turned on the lights for me. Wow, this place is gorgeous!
And as good as it looks in pictures, it looks even more breathtaking in person. The folks who put the set together really knew what they were doing. I wish I could get them to come over to my house and decorate!
But no one was around (except for Derek and our director, Kenny), and I still needed to hunt down some info for you! So I hopped online and chatted with Kathleen, one of our show’s writers. She showed me a breakdown of what we can expect. Now, I can’t share the whole thing with you (that’d be giving away some surprises!), but I think I can hint at just enough secrets to get you excited for today’s episode!
First, and if you’re a regular PCH fan you probably saw this coming, today’s episode is ALL about our recent SuperPrize award to Betty Patchet! If you haven’t had a chance to see her winning moment, take a look below:
Isn’t that amazing? Well since this is your special behind the scenes look at Inside PCH, it’s only fitting that this episode ALSO be about the behind the scenes of how that all went down! You’re going to love seeing this footage, plus you’ll hear about our VIP program, and other exciting announcements.
Oh, and how could I forget – winning! That’s right, each and every episode announces new winners and gives you opportunities right then and there to become a winner!
So that’s our behind the scenes look at Inside PCH for this week! The next time you see these chairs, their dust covers will be off and the seats filled with both Howie and Danielle’s big smiles! And hopefully you’ll be smiling too when you see opportunities we’ll have waiting for you and everyone else!
Matt K.
PCH Creative
P.S. What sort of Publishers Clearing House behind the scenes info do you want to see here on the blog? Tell us in the comments below!