Behind the Closed Doors at PCH — What Was Going On?

Last Updated: October 4, 2013


Behind The Closed Doors At Office Headquarters Something Was Going On  – See If You Can Guess!

Caution tape, ladders and frosted glass — what in the world was going on behind the closed doors at PCH office headquarters in Port Washington, New York? Unfortunately that information is top-secret for now. We’re not ready to reveal the details just yet.

Don’t get too disappointed. I will eventually reveal everything, but first I thought we could have a little fun. I want you blog readers to take your best guess at what was going on by studying the pictures. Then, I’ll reveal all the details – and the after pictures – in an upcoming blog!

So, who’s with me? Who’s ready to guess what was going on behind the closed doors at office headquarters in Port Washington, New York?

Okay, okay, I’ll get you started with a few clues. Read carefully…

1) It wasn’t a party, but we’re expecting a warm RECEPTION. Getting warmer?

2) The INS AND OUTS of the design kept our finest designers and art directors busy for weeks. How about now?

3) It’s sure to be a WELCOME sight.

Did you figure out what was going on behind the closed doors at PCH in Port Washington, New York? If not, that’s okay. All you blog readers keep checking back here at the blog, and I promise I’ll reveal the answer – and those after pictures – in no time at all! I assure you, the answer and the office headquarters after pictures are surely worth WAITING for.

And to keep you busy while you’re waiting, have some fun and enter to win cash prizes at PCHgames or PCHLotto. And I don’t have to remind you blog readers that you can also enter to win the big SuperPrize for $1 Million Every Year For Life at!

Until next time, happy guessing,

Amanda C.
PCH Creative