Behind-The-Scenes At A Family Company!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

People always ask me what’s it like behind-the-scenes at Publishers Clearing House – “that place that gives out all those Big Checks”.

My answer, in a word: AWESOME!

I mean, we give out Big Checks to winners, how could it not be?

But, what most people don’t realize is that PCH is really a family company. Whatever the project, everyone always works together as a team, supporting and encouraging one another to do the best job possible. When I have good news or just need advice, my co-workers are some of the first people I turn to! That’s why in my time here, I’ve come to view my co-workers as my “work family”. And I’ve only been here five years, which is nothing compared to a lot of PCH employees. There are veterans who have been here for 10, 20, 30, even 40 years!

Take Kathy T., for example. She started back in 1966 in what was then called the “General Correspondence” department, which means she’s being a PCHer for over 45 years! To her, PCH is family! When asked what she thought the secret ingredient to PCH’s family recipe was, she said: “People caring about people. A day doesn’t go by where someone doesn’t stop by and genuinely ask how you’re doing.”

Kathy T., a long-time PCHer!


What’s funny is that Kathy was even here when my GRANDMA worked at PCH! That’s right, before me, my grandma worked at PCH for 10 years. See, I told you PCH was a family company! Take a look at these pictures of my grandma back in the day at her desk…and me at my desk now. It even looks like we’re in the same office!

My Grandma At Her PCH Desk Years Ago!
Me At My PCH Desk Today!

There’s also “brotherly love” here at PCH between Assistant Business Development Manager Adam S. and his brother Matt who is a Customer Service Analyst. Adam started in 2007 and encouraged his brother to join in 2011 when he heard there was an opening. Matt’s even in a position that Adam held 4 years ago — talk about following in his brother’s footsteps!

But as I said before, even for those without “blood” ties, behind-the-scenes PCH is so  much more than a place that gives out Big Checks. It really is a family company! And that family includes YOU, each and every one of our PCH fans and blog readers. We’re so happy and lucky to have you as part of our PCH Family!

P.S. While we’re on the topic of families…whenever we ask fans like you what you’d do with a PCH prize, many of you answer that you’d take care of your families. So…we came up with a prize that does just that — the new $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize! Win it, and you’d receive a check for $5,000 every for the rest of your life.  Plus, after that the weekly payments would continue on for the life of a special someone you choose! WOW – you’d be able to secure your family’s financial future and REALLY leave a legacy. Tell us what YOU think of the “Forever” Prize below – then enter today at!

Amanda C., PCH Creative

Amanda C.
PCH Creative