Big Check, Big Winner, Big Acts Of Kindness!

Last Updated: March 6, 2015

These days, it seems like we’re constantly barraged with a slew of bad news. Turn on the TV, open up a newspaper – you’re almost guaranteed to see a story about greed, illness, and deceit. But don’t let these never-ending negative stories get you too down. I’m here to tell you that there is a lot of good and kindness in the world! I’ve experienced it firsthand during some recent Prize Patrol trips.

The Prize Patrol gets to experience the kindness of strangers all the time. As mentioned in a previous blog, neighbors are one of the most valuable PCH assets. Whether they are close to the big winner or not, these people are often eager and willing to help the Prize Patrol get the Big Check to our winners. They’ll offer up everything they possibly know about a winner’s schedule… and even try to contact others who might know more.

Then there are those special people who are so overcome with joy for the winner’s good fortune. Because how much fun is it to become a big winner without having others to share the excitement with? Friends, family, passersby, coworkers, even complete strangers – all of these people have shed tears, cheered, hugged, and applauded our wonderful winners. They celebrated someone else’s happiness, selflessly enjoying seeing another’s life change.

I can’t forget to include the wonderful individuals who work at airports around the country. Traveling with the Big Check and van sign is no easy feat, especially when the Prize Patrol is flying on small planes. But airline employees are often so understanding when it comes to these awkwardly shaped carry-ons. It would be so easy to demand that these items be checked as luggage (and possibly damage them in the process!). But they do their best to be accommodating and offer innovative suggestions to help the Prize Patrol get to their destinations with as little difficulty as possible.

So sometimes, it’s nice to remember that there are A LOT of good people in the world, the kinds of people who help others without asking for anything in return, the kinds of people who find joy in other’s good fortune.

Here’s to all of you great people who help brighten the world every day! That includes all of you lovely people right here on the blog and on Facebook. We appreciate your positive comments, your belief in PCH, and the congratulations you extend to our Big Check winners. And maybe one day, others will offer the same kindness to the Prize Patrol as they’re on surprise YOU as the next big winner.

Laura @ PCH