Big Check Helps One Man Save For His Daughter’s College Fund!

Last Updated: August 8, 2012

August 2nd 2012 is a day that Tyrone Garvin will never forget.  Tyrone was home during the day, gearing up to go to work for the New York City Transit where he is a train operator when his daughter was at camp.  After a few rings of the doorbell and knocking on the door, we heard someone approaching.  As you would imagine, Tyrone was in complete SHOCK that the one and only PCH Prize Patrol was standing at his door with a BIG Check for $10,000.00!  Watch this touching Publishers Clearing House winner now!



Tyrone’s daughter is clearly the apple of his eye, and this self proclaimed “Mr. Mom” was thrilled to have the opportunity to provide for his daughter. When I asked him “can you believe it?” – his immediate response was that the money would go towards his daughter’s college fund.  Unfortunately she was at camp when the Prize Patrol arrived, but Tyrone made sure that he gave his daughter a “winning moment” of her own when she returned home.  Tyrone emailed me about the experience:

“When she came in, she looked at the roses. When she turned around, I held up the “Big” Check. She hopped up into the air like a cheerleader, and asked are we going to do anything with it? I said not we, but you. She said for me? I said, Yeahhhhh, kind of. It’s going into your college fund. She looked kind of semi happy, but understood it has to go for something extremely important, as her future. Then she smiled with acceptance, and agreed.” ~Ty

Tyrone told us that he kept the faith when entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes and it really paid off for him – in the form of a $10,000.00 Big Check!  He immediately knew what he wanted to do with the money…do YOU know what you would do with $10,000.00? How about with $5,000 A Week “Forever”? Remember, our first-ever “Forever” prize event is just weeks away, and if you win, you’d get $5,000 a week for your life, then after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone you choose. Not only would you be able to set up a college fund for your child, you’d be able to leave an entire legacy! So if you haven’t already entered today, head over to right away!

GOOD LUCK from the Prize Patrol!

Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol

Danielle Lam
PCH Prize Patrol Elite