Brad Paisley Presents… The American Relief Sweepstakes

Are you a fan of American country singer-songwriter Brad Paisley? Could you use $10,000.00 cash relief? Well, then you’ve come to the right place. PCH has a new sweeps, and it’s a big one! Brad Paisley presents the American Relief Sweepstakes, and $10,000.00 is Guaranteed To Be Awarded!
If you like the country songs “Letter to Me,” “Whiskey Lullaby,” and “This Is Country Music” amongst a zillion others, then you know who Brad Paisley is, and you’re a fan. Well, here at PCH, we’re fans, too, which is why we’re so excited to have teamed up with him to bring you the American Relief Sweepstakes. Because let’s face it, we could all use a little financial relief about now, right?
OK – there’s a lot going on with this contest, so let’s dig in. First, like the sign says, we’re giving away a grand prize of $10,000.00 CASH, which will be Prize Patrol delivered on August 6th! That’s next month!
But wait – that’s STILL not all. We’re not going to allow only one person to win time with Brad in this sweeps. That would almost be cruel! We know so many of you would be green with envy – especially the ladies. So, we will also choose up to 50 lucky “ticket” winners, who’ll win a video chat with Brad Paisley on August 5th! Zoom calls are all the rage right now – and winning cash is ALWAYS in style at PCH! But Brad isn’t just going to shoot the breeze with y’all. He’ll be giving away cash prizes, too! That’s a double win in one!
We can’t emphasize enough how excited the PCH team is to have our lucky fans meet Brad Paisley, and how thrilled we are that a lucky winner will receive the $10k very soon!
What do you guys think of all this? Which part of this sweeps would you like to win most? Tell me. Or maybe you feel like giving Brad a shout-out? Feel free to send him a message in the comments below!
Just so you know, you’ll get all sorts of American Relief Sweepstakes notifications and reminders in your PCH, PCHlotto, PCHSearch&Win and PCHfrontpage e-mails, so make sure you keep an eye out. And if you’re not signed up for e-mails, well then sign up, of course! The entry deadline is 7/31, so jot it down if you need to and make sure you’re in to win!
As the good ol’ American sweepstakes leader, we’re thrilled to present a country music contest like The American Relief Sweepstakes with Brad Paisley – and we hope it’s as exciting to you as it is to all of us here at PCH. It’s going to be so much fun – I’m really looking forward it. Good luck, everyone, and I can’t wait to see some new proud American winning moments next month!
Tina P.
Online Creative