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Topic: Behind The Scenes at PCH

Last Updated: March 5, 2020

Oh wow, it’s finally March — I don’t know about you, but I’m so ready to put away my winter coat! March is a great month my friends…do you know why? Because the spring equinox is happening on March 19th and that means it’s the FIRST DAY OF SPRING! I’m so excited! Can you tell […]

Last Updated: March 4, 2020

Greetings, fans and friends! Happy #WinnerWednesday! … and Happy March Forth and Do Something Day! That’s right, a simple search on PCHSearch&Win enlightened me that today is March Forth and Do Something Day! March 4th – March Forth, get it? I found out that a great way to celebrate March Forth and Do Something Day […]

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Good morning, everybody! Just yesterday, as I was getting ready for work, I imagined how great it would be to pay off all of my debt…travel the world…win a new car…build my dream home…or putting money towards retirement. Then, I went to and WOW! I was just blown away! There are so many REALLY […]

Last Updated: March 3, 2020

March is here! Daylight savings time, Easter, Spring, and so much more is happening this month. In fact, we’ve got lots of new sweepstakes blooming! Yup – plenty of opportunities for your bank account to grow! But you must be in to win, so, let’s spring ahead into your PCH Schedule – New Sweepstakes for […]

Last Updated: March 2, 2020

It’s almost spring! Soon, the birds will be singing, the flowers will start blooming. But right now the new PCH commercials are on TV! That’s right, Steve Harvey and the Prize Patrol are back on your television screens! We’re super excited to show them off – almost as excited as we are to unveil the […]

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I’m excited to share some news with you today, PCH Fans! Not only did we just award $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” this past Friday, but PCH Prize Patrol is BACK to award lots of money on the Daytime Emmy® Award-winning game show, The Price Is Right! Any fan of winning big must be a fan […]

Last Updated: March 1, 2020

Attention. all PCH Fans! Giveaway #13000 has come to an end, and a brand-new giveaway number is here! Introducing Giveaway #16000! Will YOU become the first PCH sweepstakes winner of this new Gwy. No.? We’ll have to wait and see! It’s true. There’s a new Gwy. No. in town, and with that comes a new […]

Last Updated: February 28, 2020

By the time you’re reading this, our big February 28th $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize winner has been named. The “Forever” Prize winner is sitting at home, trying to process just what happened to them (and who their $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” beneficiary might be!). But what about you? If you followed along with all […]

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Greetings, fans and friends! Raise your hand – which of you would like to win $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” today — $5,000.00 every week for the rest of the winner’s life and, after that, $5,000.00 every week for the life of someone the winner chooses? Oh, I see many, many hands being raised right now […]

Last Updated: February 27, 2020

Hey there, friends and fans! Are you ready for the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize to be awarded TOMORROW? That’s $5,000.00 a week for life for the winner, followed by those same weekly payments continuing on to someone of the winner’s choosing! With such a huge prize coming up, have you given any thought to […]