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Topic: Behind The Scenes at PCH

Last Updated: February 20, 2020

Good morning! In just 8 days, the Prize Patrol will be handing the Big Check over to the next “FOREVER” PRIZE WINNER! “FOREVER” means $5,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE for a winner, and then after that, those same weekly lifetime payments go to someone the winner chooses! With so much at stake IN JUST DAYS, […]

Last Updated: February 19, 2020

Hey there, friends and fans! Did you know that the average American is over $38,000.00 in debt? And that’s not even including mortgages (which can be a good form of debt to have). With so much money owed, it can be a real challenge paying your bills, be they rent, utilities, medical, credit card, or […]

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Greetings, fans and friends! And happy #WinnerWednesday! Of course, I searched on PCHSearch&Win and discovered that today is not only February 19, it’s also “Best Friends Day.” Best friends are like gold! A best friend is someone you can confide in, laugh with, cry with and dream with. A best friend is someone you can […]

Last Updated: February 18, 2020

Today I want you all to dream BIG. I mean REALLY BIG. Because Giveaway #13000 is about to end and someone’s about to take home a HUGE prize that pays out for a lifetime … and more! It’s the $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize, and the PCH Prize Patrol will definitely be delivering the BIG […]

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Remember the late-1970s Heinz commercial with the bottle of ketchup just about to pour that salty-sweet, tomato-y goodness all over a perfectly cooked burger? If you know the spot I’m talking about, then you likely also remember the music playing in the background. It was Carly Simon (no relation) singing … Anticipation … is making […]

Last Updated: February 17, 2020

Hello PCH Fans! We want you to speak out in the comments today – which celebrity do you want to see next teaming up with the Prize Patrol? We’ve had celebrity guests help us deliver prizes in the past, and they’ve always been lots of fun. Now we need YOU to tell us who you’d […]

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Beep-Beep, PCH Fans, It’s me, Winnie, the PCH Van, and I just had to put the brakes on my “Forever” Prize Day practice run for a minute to tell you how excited I’m getting to meet our big $5,000.00 A Week “FOREVER” Prize winner on February 28th! IS YOUR ENGINE AS REVVED AS MINE JUST […]

Last Updated: February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine’s Day, PCH friends! As you’ve heard us say before, we love our fans. But we also love fans who become PCH winners! What’s not to love about giving out money and putting a smile on people’s faces? Well, on this “day of love,” February 14th, we thought we’d come up with 14 things […]

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We love our fans so very much, We think you’re mighty fine And so, on this, the “day of love,” We send this Valentine! You’ve been persistent, yes, indeed, In entering to win, Whether through our sites or on our apps Or a mailed Bulletin You’ve played our slots and lotto games, You’ve earned and […]

Last Updated: February 13, 2020

We all know that life throws us a curve ball now and then with an unexpected expense we never saw coming. Things like medical bills, emergency home repairs, car repairs, student loans or a sudden job loss can throw the finances way off track… and fast! The sad truth is that we are a nation […]