Hello, PCH Enthusiasts, Dreamers, Believers and Super Achievers! We always have a smile on our face when we get to share news with you of recent PCH winners! When it’s a big SuperPrize, we know we’re definitely making a single person happy, but it’s when we get to give out a whole BUNCH of prizes […]
Who else is off to a great week after this weekend? Well, it’s about to get even better because another week in winning at PCH is here and it is full of exciting prizes! Whether you’re a fan of PCHSearch&Win, PCHlotto, or PCH.com games, it’s time to start entering these amazing giveaways. PCH Search&Win Need […]
I do a lot of blogs about PCH games, so I’m sure it was just a coincidence that someone whose last name is “Simon” was chosen to write about PCH’s awesome new game, Color Blast! Variations of this seemingly simple game have been entertaining (and occasionally frustrating) Americans for more than 40 years, but PCH […]
I just watched the latest episode of “Inside PCH” live on Facebook, and what fun it was! For understandable reasons I love seeing my Prize Patrol colleagues Danielle and Howie “on the air” talking about all the adventures and goings-on at Publishers Clearing House — the great company I’ve been associated with for 36 years! […]
You’ve felt it before: The drive. The determination. The motivation. At PCH, we believe that determination is key. That’s why we remind our fans to never give up. If you win a $15,OOO,OOO.OO SuperPrize at the end of this month, you could reflect on how important all your efforts were. If you win on August […]
I was finishing shopping at our local supermarket the other day, and as the check-out lady started scanning my items she looked up and exclaimed “My gosh! You know who you look like?” I said “No. Who?” – expecting her to mention my twin brother who actually lives in the same town and shops in […]
Hey, PCH Fans! How’s your summer going? We think it’s off to a sizzling start with our brand-new $15 Million Summer Prize Event – and it’s got us thinking. Fifteen million dollars really is a truckload of money; way more than enough to buy some pretty incredible things. Like what, you ask? Well… let’s say, […]
Have you ever wondered who works Behind The Scenes at PCH? Well, first I’ll start by reintroducing myself. I’m Nicole M.; I’m a Copywriter in PCH’s Online Creative Department. I write for all different areas of PCH’s online content – including this very blog. Now, I’m about take you Behind The Scenes of PCH’s Online […]
I have a question for you all! Who LOVES seeing Howie and Danielle LIVE on Facebook, whether it’s a live winning moment, a casual chat at PCH Studios, or even informal fan shout-outs? Well I’ve got some pretty exciting news for you! Starting on July 25th, YOU the fans can get an exclusive weekly dose […]