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Topic: Behind The Scenes at PCH

Last Updated: August 1, 2014

Hi blog readers! It’s me, Donna, and I’m back with another blog about how you can order some of the most popular magazines here from Publishers Clearing House! Sorry it’s been so long, but I have been very busy with our new puppy, her name is Boo-Boo! Isn’t she cute? For those of you who […]

Last Updated: July 30, 2014

Everyone has seen our iconic winning moment videos. People all across the country opening their door to “Big Checks” and the PCH Prize Patrol. But what most people don’t get to see is everything leading up to that point…that is…up until now. A few weeks ago I told you here on the PCH blog  that […]

Last Updated: July 29, 2014

Hey PCHers! As you know, PCH is very active on Facebook. We love Facebook because it’s a great way to engage and communicate with fans like you! If you visit our PCH Fan Page on Facebook, you’ll see every day we post fun and engaging content like sweepstakes opportunities, trivia, puzzles and more! Let’s see if […]

Last Updated: July 25, 2014

Great news! There’s a new way to win cash at! Every day we’re awarding a cool $100 cash prize to the previous day’s top token scorer. You can score tokens by entering the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes and playing games and scratch cards at Get busy earning those tokens and YOU could become […]

Last Updated: July 23, 2014

Have you ever wondered: “How Do I Contact Publishers Clearing House?” You’re not alone. It happens to be on the top of the list of PCH’s most Frequently Asked Questions. And we’re always ready with the answers you need! So read on! We’re happy to provide the phone numbers you’ll need to call one of […]

Last Updated: July 17, 2014

There used to be an old saying that went, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” But maybe nowadays we need to change “the pen” to “the keyboard” as our more powerful weapon of choice! Now that we’re in the 21st century, it seems like everyone has a smartphone, a tablet, or a desktop/laptop computer. […]

Last Updated: July 16, 2014

Hey PCHers! One of the best parts of my job every day is getting to engage and interact with all our fans on Facebook and the blog. We have TONS of people who comment and post every single day! Our PCH Fan Page Facebook community has become a place where fans can share their stories, support […]

Last Updated: July 15, 2014

Greetings, fans and friends! The excitement is building over our next big Special Early Look Prize Event – $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”– as more and more of you dream about receiving $5,000.00 a week for your life, and then after that, $5,000.00 a week for life for someone you choose! Our past “Forever” prize winners […]

Last Updated: July 14, 2014

Hooray! Today’s the day we get to announce our latest PCH Blog winners! As a reminder, just last week we told all of you that the winning NEVER stops at Publishers Clearing House! And to prove it, we entered everyone who commented on our July 1st blog that day between the hours of 12 AM, […]

Last Updated: July 11, 2014

If you get a special Secure Pack in the mail from Publishers Clearing House with a web address, ACT FAST! Why? Because it’s a special opportunity to go for $5,000 A Week “FOREVER”! You see, respond to one of these Secure Packs and your prize number will be added to the Winner Selection List […]