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Topic: Behind The Scenes at PCH

Last Updated: January 29, 2014

    Have any of the following ever happened to you while browsing the web?  Trouble signing into one of our Publishers Clearing House websites? A page that won’t load? An error message? These minor problems can usually be remedied by clearing your computer’s cache and cookies.  If you’re wondering — how do I clear […]

Last Updated: January 25, 2014

Yesterday you heard all about our first Give Back delivery of $25,000 to the USO. And today, I’m here to tell you all about our 2nd Give Back donation, which was a $35,000 Big Check to the ASCPA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®). This was my FIRST Prize Patrol experience, […]

Last Updated: January 24, 2014

Hey blog readers, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. SO many PCH employees want to be part of the Prize Patrol. I mean after all, being part of the team that is going to change someone’s life forever is definitely an honor. And since we can’t be on the receiving end […]

Last Updated: January 23, 2014

The new “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” movie traces its origins back to a popular short story by James Thurber from the 1930’s and to the Danny Kaye film it inspired in the 1940’s.  Now after all these years Ben Stiller has decided to direct and star in a new version – obviously believing […]

Last Updated: January 21, 2014

Barbie Tallent who lives just outside Chattanooga, Tennessee, was cleaning her house and cooking some chicken, not expecting anything special to happen the morning of January 14, when the doorbell rang.  She answered it, and who should be standing there – with roses, balloons, champagne, a video crew, and a Big Check for $10,000.00, but […]

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Hi PCH Blog readers! This is Matt K. from PCH Creative. Back by popular demand are more winning moment stories!  This time, we decided it might be fun to visit some of our past winners who didn’t win the big SuperPrize, but who still received a huge cash payout that would make anyone jump up […]

Last Updated: January 20, 2014

Over 50 years ago, during the March on Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his inspiring “I have a dream” speech.  In it, he called for all Americans to realize true racial equality and put an end to discrimination. For Americans of all races, creeds and colors, who come here from all over the […]

Last Updated: January 15, 2014

You heard about Todd Sloane…you heard about Dave Sayer…and now we saved the best for last! Here are 10 things we bet you never knew about everyone’s favorite Prize Patrol Elite gal Danielle Lam! Did you enjoy Danielle’s answers? Did answer of them surprise you? Do you have MORE questions you’d like to ask Danielle? […]

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Hey PCH Fans! Today is a VERY special day! Can you guess why? I’ll tell you! Publishers Clearing House has officially reached 1 MILLION FANS on our PCH Fan Page on Facebook! Wow! One Million fans is a HUGE number, and we couldn’t have done it without you! We’re so grateful and happy for each […]

Last Updated: January 10, 2014

The Winning Number Found Report is where you want your Prize Number to be on drawing day! Recently, you may have gotten a Publishers Clearing House package in the mail with a red label like this: (If you haven’t received this package, don’t stop reading — I’ll tell you why in a minute!) Inside you’ll find […]