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Topic: Big Check

Last Updated: April 3, 2015

Hi everyone! We’re gearing up for our $7,000 A Week For Life Prize Event coming up, and we couldn’t be more excited to find out who our lucky winner will be! Come April 30th you could be “Set For Life”! Imagine weekly checks for $7,000 rolling into your bank account? And not just for a month, […]

Last Updated: April 2, 2015

Every good company needs a fun mascot! There are so many from our youth that remain endearing to us…it’s hard to imagine life without them!  But what if you had to choose just one favorite from all time? If you like pop culture like I do, you’d find that to be a tough question! So […]

Last Updated: April 1, 2015

Happy April Fools’ Day, my blog pals! It’s amazing the hoaxes people have fallen for on April 1st! In 1980, British citizens became outraged when the BBC reported that Big Ben was going to be altered to have a digital readout. Well it would be a little easier to read (joking!). In 1998, Burger King […]

Last Updated: March 27, 2015

You’ve watched the exciting videos of our winners online, or seen their winning moments on our TV commercials. You may have even seen them jump up and down with joy and say out loud “I always knew I would win, I just didn’t know when!” So what, you may ask, is their secret to winning? […]

Last Updated: March 26, 2015

When you think about the rest of your life, do you dwell on all of the bills you’re going to have to pay, or the investments you might have to make in order to pay for your retirement? And maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to save enough to help out your kids after […]

Last Updated: March 25, 2015

We’ve all been there: You’re at a restaurant with friends, and you’d love to pick up the whole tab and treat them all; but your budget demands that you tell your server “Separate checks please.” Or maybe you’ve splurged a little bit, and you dread asking for the check because you know you have no […]

Last Updated: March 23, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends … and Happy Motivational Monday! Have thoughts like these ever crossed your mind? “I’ll never give up on my dream to win a Publishers Clearing House prize!” “I’ll just keep entering and entering and entering until I win!” “My family may laugh at me when I say I’ll win big, but […]

Last Updated: March 19, 2015

Hi blog readers! With all the millions and millions of dollars we’ve awarded to lucky folks all across America for over 60 years, it still shocks me when I hear people ask “does Publishers Clearing House REALLY award all those prizes?” The answer, of course, is YES!!!!! Well as they say, the proof is in the […]

Last Updated: March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick’s Day blog readers! A cold front moved through our area last night and caused some heavy downpours. It was still pretty damp when I took the dog out this morning; but a little sun was shining through and – lo and behold – there was a beautiful rainbow. Well, you know what’s […]

Last Updated: March 16, 2015

Our PCH Giveaway Number 3080 just ended in a blaze of glory — with the award of our THIRD “Forever” Prize to overjoyed winner Tamar Howard of Silas, Alabama! As per strict Official Rules, we finally had to retire good ol’ Giveaway Number 3080, which in its time, was the giveaway that just kept on […]