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Topic: Big Check

Last Updated: December 8, 2014

How Danielle Lam Feels About PCH Awarding So Many Prizes This Season! We must admit, these past few months, the Prize Patrol has been up and at em’ awarding prizes left and right! They’ve been working SO hard to take as many trips, and award as many prizes, as possible! Some of our most recent […]

Last Updated: December 4, 2014

The day is finally here!!! We’ve been talking about it for weeks, and it’s finally here! Tonight, you can visit PCH Sweepstakes Reveal and engage in LIVE Q&A session with Danielle Lam, Dave Sayer, and Todd Sloane. The members of the Prize Patrol Elite love their fans so much and cannot wait to speak with you […]

Last Updated: December 2, 2014

At Publishers Clearing House, we’re all about celebrating our history! From the days of when we were a small little company being run out of a neighborhood garage to back when we first created the world-famous Prize Patrol, we love to remember all the good times that got us where we are! One of our […]

Last Updated: November 24, 2014

A recent trip took me by air to California. (Just so you Golden State residents aren’t bummed out, I was not knocking on someone’s door with a Big Check but doing some other Publishers Clearing House business.) While it’s a pretty long flight from the East to the West Coast, I always get a kick […]

Last Updated: November 19, 2014

Hi Dan-Yellers! It’s me Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite! I am SO, SO excited for our upcoming SuperPrize event. I’ve already started thinking about who our big winner will be and where the winner will live…maybe it’ll even be one of you! How cool would that be? But today I wanted to […]

Last Updated: November 18, 2014

The FIRST-EVER DOUBLE THE CASH Special Early Look Prize Event is just around the corner, and the excitement at PCH headquarters is building! All of the entries are in, and we can’t wait to find out who will win big next week. If you entered, we could be surprising you with $10,000 A Week For Life […]

Last Updated: November 14, 2014

The 2014 PCH Giveback has officially ended, and it was a huge success! With the help of all of you, we were able to make an amazing donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®. St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases, and we were […]

Last Updated: November 12, 2014

Hi everyone, it’s me Danielle Lam with the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. As I’m gearing up and getting ready for the next big prize event in just days, I wanted to take a moment to answer another commonly asked fan question. Around SuperPrize event time, I get SO many questions about the Prize Patrol […]

Last Updated: November 8, 2014

Hi everyone it’s me Danielle Lam with the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. As you may know, I’m also part of the PCH Video Group where we create the professional quality promotional and educational videos you see across all our sites! Well, hopefully you’ve seen the newest Publishers Clearing House production where Lucky the Big […]

Last Updated: November 4, 2014

Hey Blog Readers, Did you know that $10,000 A Week for Life is the LARGEST Weekly Lifetime Prize we’ve ever offered? It’s true! This prize weighs in at DOUBLE THE CASH of our standard $5,000 A Week for Life giveaway — and that means even more for Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check, to carry! […]