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Topic: Big Check

Last Updated: November 3, 2014

October 31st, 2014 is a day that Lula Lenox of Nashville, Tennessee, will never forget. It’s the day she answered the doorbell and saw the PCH Prize Patrol standing there – with roses, balloons, a video-camera and a Big Check! It being Halloween she might have thought the visitors were imitators playing “Trick or Treat.” […]

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The PCH Prize Patrol is definitely going to be extra busy in the coming months doing what they do best, because we have something VERY SPECIAL in store for you all! LET’S MAKE SOME MILLIONAIRES! You heard me right. We’re on a mission to give away some BIG money and to do it fast. The […]

Last Updated: October 30, 2014

Just a few days ago, we sent out “Thank You” Bulletins to some of our most active Sweepstakes participants with very special news. We told them that thanks to their loyalty, support and dedication, they had earned the elite distinction of being a PCH Power Player! And that, my friends, is quite an honor. You […]

Last Updated: October 23, 2014

Does this envelope look familiar to you? Here’s the front: And here’s the back: If you received this CERTIFICATE OF TITLE regarding your prize number from Publishers Clearing House, it carries with it very GOOD NEWS regarding the state of your very own Prize Number. You see this Certificate of Title means that your Prize […]

Last Updated: October 20, 2014

Hello out there to all of you blog readers. I’m here to give you a “heads up” about an exciting opportunity that may be coming your way very soon.  Be sure to be on the lookout for our CASH PRIZE NOTICE, scheduled for delivery to homes beginning TOMORROW.  It looks like this: I wouldn’t want […]

Last Updated: October 15, 2014

As a longtime PCH Prize Patrol’er, I do a lot of traveling.  And let’s face it: if I didn’t enjoy it I would have been an unhappy camper for the last 30+ years.  But I truly love traveling.  As a result I get multiple emails every day from tour companies, airlines, cruise ships and travel […]

Last Updated: October 13, 2014

Isn’t DOUBLE just better?! Well, here at PCH – we think so! That’s why we introduced a brand-new SuperPrize called “Double The Cash”! That’s right…we DOUBLED the standard $5,000 A Week For Life and made it $10,000 A Week For Life! Yes, you heard it right, $10,000 A Week For Life! Think of all the […]

Last Updated: October 9, 2014

As you are clicking the “enter” button on or dropping your PCH Sweepstakes entry into the mailbox, do you ever have the feeling that “this is the one”? That this time you will definitely be a BIG winner? That this is definitely your time? Could it be that you are destined to win? Time […]

Last Updated: October 8, 2014

Greetings, fans and friends, Last month, in our blog post entitled “Think No One from My State Ever Wins? Yes, They Do!”, we received lots of encouraging comments from you, our readers. One of those comments was a saying I’ve heard before … and that is: WINNERS NEVER QUIT, AND QUITTERS NEVER WIN! I went […]

Last Updated: October 6, 2014

Calling all PCH Winners!!!!! Greetings, fans and friends! Did you know that since it began running its world-famous Sweepstakes, Publishers Clearing House has given away over $252 million in prizes? That’s a lot of money! And … that’s a lot of PCH winners! After all, PCH doesn’t just give out 5-figure and 6-figure prizes – […]