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Topic: Big Check

Last Updated: May 15, 2019

If the Prize Patrol handed you a “Big Check” for $25,000.00 A Month For Life, who would be the first person you’d call? Here are a few ideas of who you could call, listed right in this very blog post. Then, beneath that, you could tell us in the comments section who you would call […]

Last Updated: May 14, 2019

Do you love lists? I do! And it’s more than just knowing what’s on a list; it’s also making my own and seeing how it compares with others. More than anything, lists tend to spur our imaginations. For example, how would you respond to, “The top 5 superpowers I’d want are…” In fact, people love […]

Last Updated: April 29, 2019

Hey Friends and Fans — I’m sure you saw that we’ve awarded yet another millionaire-making prize this past Friday! It’s incredible to see how often a visit from the Prize Patrol changes someone’s life for the better! If you’re disappointed you didn’t win this time, DON’T FRET! I’ve got some exciting news for you. We’ve […]

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Can it be true? Can we really achieve whatever we believe we can do? That’s the topic of today’s Motivational Monday blog. And it was inspired by a quote from one of our very own blog readers, who commented: “If you believe, you can achieve.” Keep at it no matter what! We all know that […]

Last Updated: April 24, 2019

Wouldn’t you love to win a PCH SuperPrize? How do you think you would feel if the Prize Patrol delivered a “Big Check” to your home? We have a few ideas about how you could describe winning a SuperPrize … take a look here! Then, tell us how you would feel if you won PCH […]

Last Updated: April 23, 2019

I woke up this morning and I could tell that it’s going to be a great day! Happy Tuesday, Beautiful People!! It’s not exactly Friday yet, but guess what day it is? IT’S THE LAST DAY TO ENTER TO WIN $7,000.00 A WEEK FOR LIFE! There is absolutely nothing to think about and no excuses […]

Last Updated: April 18, 2019

Are you a dancer? Some people laugh and some cry, but is it your natural instinct to “bust a move” when you get good news? Well, this blog is for you!  Tell me, what would your victory move be if you won a PCH SuperPrize?  I won’t judge if you are a jump up and […]

Last Updated: April 16, 2019

All-New Winning Opportunities Are Coming Your Way on April 26! It may not be an official holiday yet, but PCH Pay Day gives fans lots of reasons to celebrate. In fact, PCH Pay Day has become so well-liked since being introduced last year that PCH is holding another Pay Day event on April 26, 2019! […]

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WOW! The Prize Patrol will deliver a SuperPrize on April 26th, and you only have ONE WEEK to enter to win it! As the deadline approaches, we hope you take this week to enter to win the PCH Sweepstakes all the ways you can! Yes, use your time this week as best you can and […]

Last Updated: April 15, 2019

Hey there, friends and fans! If you’ve entered to win at PCH, you’ve surely imagined what it’s like to become a PCH SuperPrize winner. Do you ever wonder how you’d feel as you held up your “Big Check”? Well, now you can practice right in the comfort of your own home in case the Prize […]