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Topic: Big Check

Last Updated: April 15, 2019

Would you? If you became the winner of PCH’s April 26th$7,000 A Week For Life special early look prize event, you’d have — let me see — a $364,000.00 annual “salary” to enjoy … for LIFE! That would definitely give anyone the option to say, “I QUIT!” Monday through Friday would be very different if […]

Last Updated: April 10, 2019

Here’s why I’m asking, dear friends … We’ve got a big $7,000 A Week For Life special early look prize event coming up on April 26th— and if you win, you’d have all the money you’d need to take the getaway of your dreams! To keep you focused on entering to WIN, we want you […]

Last Updated: April 8, 2019

Have you ever dreamed about financial freedom? I think just about all of us have. Not everyone has it – but we all want it. Well, I have an idea on how to achieve financial freedom, and I bet you know what I’m going to say… Publishers Clearing House to the rescue! Are you guys […]

Last Updated: April 3, 2019

Hey there, friends and fans!  One of the most famous cats in pop culture (after the Jellicle Cats from Cats) is the cat from the Hang In There, Babyposter. It’s an important reminder to keep holding on, even when the going gets tough! But what if you could do more than just hold on … you could […]

Last Updated: April 1, 2019

From “Kick me!” signs to dribble glasses to whoopie cushions, April Fools’ Day “pranks” have been played on hapless victims for years.  They can be funny, too — as long as you’re not on the receiving end.  But when it comes to surprising real-life people, like Crystal Crawford above, with a big Publishers Clearing House prize, we are deadly […]

Last Updated: March 27, 2019

Imagine having more money than you can dream of spending? You’d never have to worry about bills, credit card debt or budgets. You’d be able to buy your dream house, your dream car and even take your dream vacation! So how could you possibly achieve this status? Well, the answer is easy of course – […]

Last Updated: March 26, 2019

Hey Blog Readers, It’s me, your pal, Lucky, the PCH Big Check, and I am so excited because, in just ONE MONTH FROM NOW, I’m going to be meeting our newest SuperPrize Winner! WHO WANTS TO SEE ME AT THEIR DOOR ON APRIL 26TH?  GIVE ME A SHOUT OUT BELOW! Yes, it’s really happening again, Blog […]

Last Updated: March 25, 2019

Do you need to pay off your loans? Do you have debt? Do you have student loans, car loans, credit card bills? Well, believe me – you’re not the only one! I was reading an article earlier and the student loan debt in 2018 alone was $1.52 Trillion! I can’t even fathom that number! If […]

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Hello, all of you players out there! As the baseball season comes into full swing, I thought I would choose an appropriate quote for my next Motivational Monday blog.  I came across this one from Babe Ruth that seemed perfect: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Just Play The […]

Last Updated: March 20, 2019

Happy Spring! Today is the first day of Spring, and I’m super excited to say good-bye to Winter.  Everything is coming back to life and awakening from a long slumber. You may even say, nature is springing into action… and I want you to as well, because $7,000.00 A Week For Life is at stake and is ready […]