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Last Updated: August 12, 2015

I’m reading David McCullough’s terrific best selling biography of the Wright Brothers who ushered us into the era of flight about 112 years ago. Thank you Orville! Thank you Wilbur! Without you, we Prize Patrol’ers would have to drive and drive and drive all across the USA delivering Big Checks to lucky Publishers Clearing House […]

Last Updated: August 11, 2015

Doesn’t it always seem like you wait all year for summertime, and then it’s over before you know it? One day your feet are in the sand and you’re daydreaming about how to make summer last forever, and the next day your shoes are soaked from shoveling snow. With all there is to do in […]

Last Updated: August 7, 2015

[FRONT OF POSTCARD] [BACK OF POSTCARD] Hello, PCH Fans! Take a look at the postcard pictured above. What do you think? Is this postcard really from Publishers Clearing House? If you answered “NO,” you are absolutely correct! This postcard is NOT really from Publishers Clearing House and was actually sent by scammers who are not […]

Last Updated: August 5, 2015

There’s always lots of media buzz about how much money will be raised to support the campaigns of congressional hopefuls, incumbents and candidates for national office. Pundits wonder, for example, whether winning U. S. Senate candidates will spend more than the $10.3 million average they did in 2012.  Phew! Now I’m not trying to discourage […]

Last Updated: August 4, 2015

We’re excited to bring you our latest episode of the PCH Chat — starring our very own host, Howie, who is joined by elite Prize Patrol member Todd Sloane to let you know how to use our New and Improved PCH FAQ page. It now gives you easier access to our most FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to […]

Last Updated: August 3, 2015

YOU PCH blog readers and fans know the real deal – that statements like “only old people win at PCH” are just not true! YOU know that our winners are ALL ages, from all walks of life – and we’ve that had many younger winners, including “Forever” Prize Winners Michael Miller and Tamar Howard pictured below. And […]

Last Updated: July 30, 2015

At Publishers Clearing House, it is always a pleasure for us to catch up with our SuperPrize winners. Why? Because they’re always in a good mood! So when I called Boris Clinton for his 1-month follow up interview, it was not surprising to have him tell me repeatedly, “Oh, I’m doing VERY well!” You may […]

Last Updated: July 28, 2015

With a huge $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize authorized for award in our August 31st special early look prize event, we want you to know ALL the ways you can enter to win. Take a look at my checklist below … See? There are tons of easy, fast ways for you to activate an entry. […]

Last Updated: July 27, 2015

Greetings, fans and friends, For the past few months, I’ve written blogs showcasing folks who have won smaller prizes from PCH. And that’s why I’m putting out a call to everyone out there who has won a prize from PCH! I’d love to hear from you! Tell us how much you’ve won and how you […]

Last Updated: July 22, 2015

It’s getting closer fans! In just a few weeks, our August 31st Special Early Look prize event will be here, and we could be awarding a $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize to one lucky winner! WOW does that make all of us here at Publishers Clearing House very excited! I’m sure you’re all familiar with […]