Click Here & Enter To Win The $1,000,000 Jackpot Prize on May 31st!


Last Updated: April 29, 2015

Hello, my friends … the exciting day is almost here! Tomorrow, April 30th, the Prize Patrol will wrap me — Lucky, the debonair PCH Big Check — in craft paper and escort me to the home of our newest millionaire! The TV cameras will be rolling to capture the dear winner’s joy at seeing ME […]

Last Updated: April 28, 2015

The final countdown is on. There are only two more days left before the PCH April 30th SuperPrize Event, when one of our lucky fans is going to WIN BIG! Excitement is building here at PCH headquarters, and the Prize Patrol is getting ready to head out on the road to surprise our newest winner. It’s […]

Last Updated: April 27, 2015

When our PCH commercials are on the air all my friends are quick to tell me “I saw you on TV last night – or at least the back of your head.”  Then they add the tiresome question, “But why haven’t you delivered one of those Big Checks to MY house?” I say “tiresome” because – […]

Last Updated: April 22, 2015

Recently a TV reporter who was about to knock on someone’s door for a news story said he felt like “that silver haired Publishers Clearing House guy who has been [knocking on doors] for years.”  When my PCH colleagues saw the TV clip they said that reporter was talking about me.  Me?  Silver haired?   I […]

Last Updated: April 21, 2015

Hello! I have some important, time-sensitive news for PCH fans like you. If you’re making a “To Do” list today, this needs to go right at the top – get your final chances to become “Set For Life” on April 30th because it’s the last day to enter! That’s right, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol […]

Last Updated: April 20, 2015

Hello PCH believers out there! I bet you’re all getting excited about our upcoming SuperPrize Event! The Prize Patrol is ready to give away $7,000 A Week For Life in a Special Early Look event on April 30th, just days from now.  We call it our “Set For Life” prize because that’s truly what would […]

Last Updated: April 17, 2015

As you’d expect, the highlight of every Prize Patrol trip is “the winning moment”: when we arrive at a lucky person’s door and present roses, balloons, champagne and the Big Check. But there’s another “high” we get on the road.  That’s when we meet those “doubting Thomas’s” and, through some simple act, convert them to […]

Last Updated: April 9, 2015

It’s time to quit stalling and making excuses, guys … you could become EXTREMELY rich very, very soon – but only if you enter! How rich?? How about $7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE? That’s how much money our Prize Patrol Elite Team is authorized to award on April 30th, in our Special Early Look prize […]

Last Updated: April 3, 2015

Hi everyone! We’re gearing up for our $7,000 A Week For Life Prize Event coming up, and we couldn’t be more excited to find out who our lucky winner will be! Come April 30th you could be “Set For Life”! Imagine weekly checks for $7,000 rolling into your bank account? And not just for a month, […]

Last Updated: April 2, 2015

Every good company needs a fun mascot! There are so many from our youth that remain endearing to us…it’s hard to imagine life without them!  But what if you had to choose just one favorite from all time? If you like pop culture like I do, you’d find that to be a tough question! So […]