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Last Updated: January 5, 2015

As I’m about to show you, we’re getting VERY excited by a truly amazing upcoming day: the day we award our THIRD $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize – Take a look at these new TV commercials, and see what all the “buzz” is about: [tube][/tube] Yes, you heard right: next month we guarantee to award […]

Last Updated: December 30, 2014

Every time I’m at a party and I hear a guest-of-honor toasted with the word “Cheers!” I recall a wonderful experience the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol had twenty years ago when we were invited to appear in a concluding episode of the classic TV sit-com with that very name, “Cheers.” Then, as now, we […]

Last Updated: December 29, 2014

As you can imagine, being a member of the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team is hard work…but of course it’s FUN too! Not only do we get to travel the country and surprise lucky sweepstakes winners with “Big Checks,” we also get to film promotional and educational videos with the PCH Video Group! Think we […]

Last Updated: December 26, 2014

On many occasions I have blogged about the importance of believing you can win a prize in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. I know from our Prize Patrol visits to over a thousand winners that without belief and faith these people would not have entered our contests or – heaven forbid! – have won Big Checks […]

Last Updated: December 22, 2014

2014 has been quite the year – don’t you agree? We’ve had so many amazing prizes throughout the year and have been working very hard to make as many dreams come true as possible! The past few months have been especially memorable because we’ve met so many wonderful people, all very deserving of the money […]

Last Updated: December 19, 2014

On Tuesday, December 16, Karl Jonsson and his family – like Americans everywhere – were looking forward to Christmas. A small tree was lit up and twinkling in the living room of their rural Wisconsin home an hour west of Green Bay. But this was not going to be a holiday rich with gifts under […]

Last Updated: December 18, 2014

Hi everyone it’s me, Danielle Lam from the PCH Prize Patrol Elite team. A fan recently left a comment on a blog asking what happens after the PCH Prize Patrol delivers a Big Check? Well, I have some experience in that area so I’d love to answer (wink wink). The truth is that it often […]

Last Updated: December 16, 2014

Hi everybody! You know what today is, right? Well, of course you do! Today’s the day the Prize Patrol will add ANOTHER millionaire to our PCH Hall of Fame when they surprise one lucky winner with a ONE MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE! Gosh, can you imagine how it would feel to win $1,000,000 right now? Especially right […]

Last Updated: December 12, 2014

One of the most frequent questions we get asked here at Publishers Clearing House is “What happens If I Win and I’m Not Home?” Because this is SUCH an important question, we had the PCH Video Group put together a new video to answer it for you. It’s part of our new “PCH CHAT” series staring […]

Last Updated: December 11, 2014

We know that blog readers like you are excited about winning — so we wanted to make sure you got this breaking news straight from Danielle of the PCH Prize Patrol. [tube][/tube] Yes, that’s right everyone, today’s the LAST DAY to enter for the $1 Million prize that is guaranteed to be awarded on December […]