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Last Updated: January 19, 2011

Winning is invigorating; it’s a moment where you feel like nothing can stop you. And nobody knows what winning is like more than Publishers Clearing House, who offers huge prizes like $5,000 a week for life or $1,000,000. Although I’ve only won a $25 gift card from Bloomingdales out of a vending machine at one […]

Last Updated: January 18, 2011

Winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes sure changed Malenda Gibson’s luck. 2011 did NOT get off to a very good start for Missouri resident Malenda Gibson. On New Year’s Day one of her several dogs, a rather large barrel shaped one, got in Malenda’s way and caused her to fall over him and — WHAM […]

Last Updated: January 10, 2011

As a new Prize Patrol member and a new contributor to the PCH Blog, I was very happy that you had questions for me.

Last Updated: January 7, 2011

Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes online at for a chance to win a mind boggling One Million Dollars A Year For Life SuperPrize!

Last Updated: January 4, 2011

Being the newest member of the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol, I am honored and excited to get to know the wonderful people out there who follow and support the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.  PCH fans follow and contact us through facebook, discussion boards, letters, and of course through this wonderful PCH blog.  Blog follower’s […]

Last Updated: December 25, 2010

Every year I send a holiday greetings letter to our many, many friends who have won Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes prizes in the past. It’s a great way to keep in touch, and everyone enjoys reading about our Prize Patrol adventures over the last twelve months.

Last Updated: December 23, 2010

What better way to celebrate the holidays than by surprising a lucky Publishers Clearing House Holiday Sweepstakes winner with $15,000! Though holiday travel may at times be slow and stressful, the Prize Patrol was nothing but excited to get to Gallatin Tennessee to bring Trudy Dinkins her $15,000 Holiday Sweepstakes surprise! Gallatin Tennessee is familiar […]

Last Updated: December 21, 2010

In this season of holiday parties it’s hard for me to attend one party without several guests asking – So Dave: Where is the Prize Patrol going next?  My house, right?  Do you remember my address? I assure them that if they win, the Prize Patrol team will find them for sure. In fact, we haven’t had a […]

Last Updated: December 15, 2010

Wisconsin Rapids is a truly beautiful city in Wisconsin…the Prize Patrol would know because we drove around it for 3 hours looking for our lucky $20,000 sweepstakes winner Pat Ticknor!  With the local newspaper following the Prize Patrol van in 15 degree windy and snowy weather, we had hopes of a smooth running winning moment.  […]

Last Updated: December 3, 2010

The PCH Prize Patrol was anxious to surprise the newest $1 Million Sweepstakes winner on November 30th in Grand Ledge Michigan.  We woke up bright and early to gather roses, champagne, balloons, the signature big check, and meet with local Michigan media in preparation for the much anticipated million dollar winning moment.  The way the morning […]