I want to ask you a question. When you enter hoping to win our big SuperPrize events, do you sit around and daydream about what you’ll do with the money? I have a vivid imagination, and I know that if I could enter at PCH, I’d have had 1,001 dreams by now! But do you […]
Greetings, fans and friends, On February 28th, you followed the clues and went behind the scenes with the PCH Prize Patrol as we awarded $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” to Crystal Crawford of Jamaica, NY. Well, guess what??!! Because we know that you love following along as the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol makes dreams come […]
Shout it out loud and proud for all the world to hear: “I’m a PCH Winner!” “I won a PCH prize!” “Publishers Clearing House sent me a prize check!” That’s right … our winners are commenting on our #WinnerWednesday PCH Blog posts, as well as on the PCH fan page on Facebook (link), that they have been […]
Has anyone ever asked you, “If you could, where would you really, REALLY like to go on vacation?” I’m asking you that because very shortly, someone could win an astonishing $7,000 A Week For Life prize in our “Special Early Look” prize event on April 26th! And if you become the winner, you could make […]
It’s a comment I’ve been seeing a lot of lately here on the PCH Blog. And when I’ve reached out to our fans and friends who’ve won small PCH prizes, asking them if they’d like to describe their “winning moments” on our #WinnerWednesday posts, the response has been tremendous! I’ve heard from winners from all over […]
Everyone asks us, “What if the winner isn’t home when the Prize Patrol arrives?” Well, if you were watching coverage of PCH Pay Day on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook on February 28th, you saw the answer! We find that winner! Knocking on the door of a 5th floor apartment in Queens, NY, the […]
Despite freezing-cold temperatures, February was quite the month in winning in New England as their team once again was crowned kings of professional football. And while their win may have represented the culmination of a season, a different season kicked off down in Daytona with the “super bowl of racing.” And after 500 miles of […]
Like many days recently in the Northeast part of the United States, it was getting pretty chilly outside. But when the Prize Patrol arrives in town, even the gloomiest of forecasts turns it into the brightest of days! That’s why everything changed into sunshine and roses when Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol came to […]
Happy Valentine’s Day, friends and fans! I hope you’re celebrating it with your closest loved ones, or at the very least, your closest box of Godiva chocolates. To keep in the Valentine’s Day spirit, we want to ask you: what do you love most about winning? Here at PCH, we get to celebrate (like we […]
Do you believe in “winning streaks?” I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to! A “winning streak” is when winning seems to just keep happening! It all starts with that first win – and it could be small, but so what? What matters is that you finally got something! Does this lead to something bigger […]